Chapter 6: The Promise

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The following morning, Tom wakes up, confused as to where he was. He stretched his arms up, a yawn escaping, as he scanned the room. He leaned up, propping his elbows on the bed as he thought. Slowly, the memories of last night came back to him. He smiled, lightly, looking around, searching for his love. When he didn't see her, he quickly got out of bed to check the rest of the apartment, scared that she had left him. He was now frowning as he sped out of the bedroom, worry filling his chest. He searched every room besides one.

He walked towards the kitchen and the sight before him made him freeze. There, in the kitchen, she stood, by the stove, making pancakes. She was lightly dancing to Shawn Mendes. He'd never seen her this active due to her cancer, so Tom's immediate thought was to pull out his camera to record this moment. In which he did, placing it on the counter, making sure she was in the frame. He watched her for a few minutes before he walked over and snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her as close to him as possible.

"Good morning, babygirl." He mumbled.

"Morning, Tommy." She gushed as she turned around to face him, pecking his lips.

She quickly turned back around to flip the pancake, making sure it didn't burn and placed in on the plate with the rest of them. She moved out of his arms and walked over to the table.

"You hungry?" She asked.

"Hmm." He answered, making his way over to her. "Very."

"Sit." She ordered as she took out plates and placed pancakes on both.

They ate in silence. A comfortable one. They felt content and at peace, as if it wasn't the first time in over a year that they had had a meal together.

Vianna was the first to finish, since she only ate two. She sat across from Tom, admiring him.

"You know, Love. It's not polite to stare." Tom chuckled.

"I'm admiring. Let me enjoy the view ." She giggled, trying to hide her blush.

Tom wasn't sure how to respond, he was trying not to be a nervous wreck. He was scared of ruining it for them, a third time. He finished the pancakes on his plate and reached over to grab Vianna's . Before she could say anything, Tom made his way to the sink to wash them, smiling triumphantly.

"I could've cleaned it, myself. But thank you." She retorted, hiding her grin.

"You made the food. It was only fair I cleaned the dishes."

"I've got to go get ready for class. Feel free to do anything." She spoke, making her way towards her room. She chose her outfit for the day and made her way to the bathroom.
While she prepared to leave, Tom moved the camera to the living room and made himself comfortable on her couch, browsing through the channels.

Vianna came out, making her way to the living room in a flannel and ripped jeans, vans covering her feet. She reached for her backpack which just so happened to be on the other side of Tom. She made her way to reach for it, but Tom took hold of her hand and pulled her down.  He placed his lips on hers and his arms, once again, wrapped around her.

"Mmm. Please don't go." He begged.

"You know I can't stay. I'll be back in a couple of hours, but you got to let me go before I'm late." She mumbled against his lips. He pouted, but let her go, nonetheless. She grabbed her backpack and pecked his pouted lips and walked to the door.

"Bye, Tommy. See you later." She smiled, waving a little.

A couple of hours later, Vianna walked to her apartment door, keys jiggling in her hand as she tried to unlock the door. It took her a few tries before walking into her apartment, tired as hell.

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