Chapter 3: I'll be waiting for you

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A year and a half has passed since Vianna has seen Tom. Not counting the times she sees him all over the internet, but now every time she sees him, she remembers their talks and the way he held her. She's  still hurt, from when he left.  Her family had given her the videos, but she only watched them once before putting them away, safely.
Vianna's cancer hasn't gotten any better. She has a major treatment coming up and it's a scary one. She could either leave there cancer free or well... die. She's  constantly been in and out of the hospital. It really sucked. She get fevers and she loses weight without trying. She's skinny now. Really skinny. She's constantly tired. There are bruises from when she would accidentally hit herself, sometimes it being just a light tap. She doesn't smile as much as she used to.
She knows her family is worried. They're constantly checking to see if she's  okay. It's nice to have them there for her, but she just wishes to be left alone sometimes.
Her treatment was in a week. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't scared and nervous, but she won't show it. She can do this.
The week went extremely slow, making Vianna more nervous. She was in another hospital room, waiting for the next 2 hours to go by so she can get this treatment over with.
She looked down at her hands. A lone tear fell as she remembered Tom being there for her that time she had a really sharp pain.
"I got you. I'm here for you. Always." He had told her.
He made her feel so safe and calm. But he wasn't here. He hasn't been here for over a year.
There was a light knock on her door. She fixed her gown before saying a soft, 'come in'.  The door opened, slowly. Her older brother Jacob came in. He had come back to live in the state to be with his sister after he heard of the horrible pain incident. He was scared of losing her, but he wanted to be here if anything went wrong. He's been here since a week after Tom left. Vianna thinks that her family had convinced him to come back to see if she'd be happier, after Tom. Which she was. Lord knows how much she missed her older brother. It feels good to have someone who understands and gives you advice. He's the only one in her family that she can tell anything to.
"Hey,V. How're you holding up?" He asked, softly.
"I'm nervous, if I'm honest. And frightened. I feel like I might not make it out.Jake, I may never see you again. I'll never see Tom again, or hold him, not that there's a chance now. I'll never see Jack graduate. I'll never go to your wedding, whenever you,finally, decide to get married." She giggled, quietly. Jacob smiled at that comment, knowing that even at her worst, she still manages to crack a joke and be her old self. "I'll never see Carolina get married or meet her kids. And I'll never see my eldest sister, Katherine and her kids, Karson and Max grow up." She finished.
Jacob sat next to her and held her to his chest. "If you keep thinking like that, you might not. I've always told you to think positive. Don't stop now. Okay? I'm here for you." Vianna gasped at those words and Jacob knew his mistake soon after he said it.
"V, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He said, worriedly. Vianna was about to speak before Jacob continued talking. "Although, now should be the time to tell you that someone is waiting outside to talk to you." And with that being said, he walked out, but not before grabbing something for the table in the corner and secretly replacing it with a camera. Vianna was dumbfounded. What in the world was he talking about? She already talked to everyone in her family.
Then, the unbelievable happened. In walked Tom Holland, a cheeky smile plastered on his face, with a worried, guilty look in his eyes.
"Hello, love."
A tear fell down Vianna's face as she heard the same words he had told her the first time they met. One tear turned into two. Two into three and then three turned into many more as she sobbed.
"Hey, I'm here, baby girl. I'm here." He repeated.
Vianna cried out. "You weren't here."
She was confused as to why he was here.
"Why are you here?" She asked, lowly.
"Because my baby girl is about to go into her most important treatment and I wouldn't miss it for the world." He whispered. His heart clenching at the sight of her.
"You weren't here for the past year and a half. Why now? You shouldn't have came. You're just going to leave again anyway." At her words, his eyes burned with unshed tears.
"Look, Vianna. I didn't mean to leave, but I had to. I have a career, fans! I wish I could've been there for you. I'm sorry, love, but I couldn't. I couldn't lose you. Just the thought of you leaving me scared me. I was getting attached. And it terrified me. You'd ruin me." He said.
"Why? Because I have cancer? Or because I'm not famous?" She asked, harshly.
"I-I It isn't because of that..."
"Of what?" She glared. He stayed quiet. "That's what I thought." She said as she started to turn away.
"It wasn't because you aren't famous! Okay? It was because you had cancer!! I didn't know how far you were in with cancer or how much time you had left! How long before you left me! From the couple of days that I was here with you, you managed to captivate me and God! I couldn't watch you like that! You had managed to make me care, more than I have ever cared for in another woman besides my mum! You had me wrapped around your tiny finger after knowing you for just a few days!" He screamed. "And you didn't even know it." He whispered the last part, finishing his little rant. She sat there, not knowing what to say. The two of them never losing eye contact.
After about 2 minutes, she spoke up.
" I was already attached when you left. I was hurt. Because what you didn't know either was that, you had me wrapped around you finger as well. When you held me, for the whole night, I would've done anything to have that many more times. Or when you kissed my forehead, oh you didn't know how that made me feel. I didn't want to live without you either. I ended up having to for over a year so far. It seems I'll keep going for many more. I think everything has been said and done. I have a treatment, that I'm frightened of, to get prepared for, so if you'd please, leave. I'd greatly appreciate it." She said.
Tom stood there, motionless, as if he was having a mental debate.
"Not everything has been done. You're treatment is not for another 30 minutes. You've got time. We both do." And with that, Tom sped towards you and placed a hand on each cheek and in the next second, his lips were on yours.
Tom knew he shouldn't be kissing you. He was 23 and even though you turned 18 next month, he still knew it wasn't right. But, God her lips were so soft and tasted heavenly.
Even with those thoughts, he couldn't help, but deepened the kiss. And when he felt Vianna go along with it, he felt like he was on cloud nine. And unknowingly to him, she did too.
After many minutes, he pulled away, breathless. He rested his forehead on hers as they both breathed heavily. His eyes were closed, but there was a faint smile on his face. He had finally kissed her, and it was amazing. Vianna smiled, as well. She couldn't believe it. He kissed her.
They pulled away, hesitantly, after a while and Tom spoke first.
"Look, I know you think there is a chance that you might not make it through the treatment, but I promise you, when you make it out, I'll take you on our first date. So, you kind of have to make it out, now." He chuckled, nervously.
"Oh, do I?" She giggled.
"You do."
"I'm scared." She said, honestly. "I might not ever grow up with my family. I may not see you again. I'm scared to go."
"Hey! No! Don't talk like that. You're going to make it out. You have a date with a guy that has been dying to take you out, after it. I'll be right here, waiting for you. I'm here for you, baby girl. Always."
"You're here." She whispered as she pulled him into a hug.
Nurse Sally, then walked in with Doctor Debez.
"Are you ready?" The Doctor asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be." She responded as they began to take her away. In the hallway, she said bye to her family, just in case. While she was doing that, Tom had pulled Doctor Derbez to the side.
"I need a favor."
"What is it?" Replied the Doctor.
"I need you to video tape the treatment. You don't have to show what you're doing, I just want to be able to see her face, and to show her how strong she was during it when she comes out. And if something goes wrong, tell her... tell her that Tom is waiting outside for her. That he's waiting outside to take her on their first date and to be able to kiss her again. Tell her that he's here for his baby girl. Always. Please?" Tom told him.
Doctor Derbez smiled, sadly at Tom. "I will." He, then, turned around and proceeded to take Vianna to where she was going for her treatment. The sad smile never leaving his face.

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