Chapter 9: Family?

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The following day, Vianna and Tom were up early, preparing to be on their way to the airport. Running around their apartment, they went. Vianna rushed around in their bedroom as Tom rushed around in the bathroom.

"Babygirl?" Tom shouted,

"Under the sink, on the right." Vianna responded, already knowing he would ask about where his razors were.

"Thank you!" He shouted back. "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready."

"Wait! Tessa!" He screamed, halfway out of the door.

"I took her to Harrison's." Vianna chuckled, patting him, lightly on his chest as she walked past him.

The ride to the airport was filled with Tom's chuckles and Vianna's blushing face. Tom was having trouble keeping his hands to himself and the taxi driver didn't hold back his comments. Vianna was embarrassed, but neither that nor the driver's comments stopped Tom's teasing. He was unashamed at being seen, seeing as she is his wife and he wanted to the show everyone that she is all his. So, he went from moving his hand up and down her thigh, to kissing her all over her neck, trying to go lower, to practically pulling her up to his lap. Vianna enjoyed it, don't get it wrong, but the driver was not too happy at the public display.

Now on board the plane, Tom was even more touchy, going as far as suggesting a quickie in the bathroom, which Vianna agreed after being teased for about an hour. That calmed him down enough for him to fall asleep for most of the ride. Once they landed and went to get their luggage, Tom got all handsy, again.

"They're staring at you," Tom mumbled from beside her.

"Who?" Vianna asked, waiting for their luggage.

"Those guys. They're eyeing you like they want to fuck you." Tom gritted our through his teeth.

"Tom!" Vianna gasped at his words, turning to face him, noticing the threatening look in his face as he glared at the group of guys a few feet behind them. Vianna tried to calm Tom down by placing his head in her hands, pecking his lips a couple of times,and he did a little. That is until one of the guys came up to them.

"Hello,beautiful. How are you doing? You have a very sexy body. Would you allow me to see it without clothes later? I'm -"

"We don't care. I highly suggest you leave." Tom barked at the guy.

"I'm sorry? I wasn't talking to you." The guy argued.

"Yeah? Well I didn't ask! Now run along." Tom hissed.

"Tom, hey! C'mon. Let's go. Calm down, baby." Vianna pushes Tom gently back, standing in between both men. Tom didn't budge and the guy behind Vianna kept getting closer.

"So? What do you say? Can I get your number, cutie?" The guy's arms made their way around Vianna's waist and that was all it took for both Vianna and Tom to snap. Vianna pushed the guy away with all her strength and Tom sped around her to push the guy to the ground.

"Don't fucking touch her!"

"Haha. C'mon man. She wants me." The guy had the nerve to say. His friends rushed over to help him up and tried to pull him away. Tom was fuming. He was in front of the guy in seconds and punched him. The punch was so hard that the guy flew to the floor, again. That, however, didn't stop Tom from trying to get on top of him to continue, but Vianna was quick enough to move in front of him to stop him, noticing the guards coming towards them.

"Hey! Calm down. Baby, look at me. Hey! Look at me!" Vianna spoke, placing her hands on his cheek, moving his face to look at her. "Let it go. C'mon let's go."

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