Chapter 13: I'm Sorry

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For the rest of the week, Tom and their kids stayed by Vianna's side. Tom, not once, left her side, worried that if he did, she'd slip away. Castiel and Vianna's Doctor have tried many different types of treatments, but nothing seems to be working. Tom, however, is persistent to keep trying.

"Try something else!! I can't lose her. Please! Help my wife... please don't let her leave me. I love her.. please." Tom would cry. He tried to not let it show around Vianna, how heartbroken and worried he felt. She needed him to be strong and that's what he's trying to be.

Vianna was laying down on her hospital bed on a Friday afternoon, Tom sat right beside her, holding her hand as he listened to her sing.

I have loved you since we were 18
Long before we both thought the same thing
To be loved and to be in love
All I could do was say that these arms were made for holding you woah oh oh
I wanna love like you made me feel
When we were 18...

Their kids were standing at the doorway, watching their parents share this loving moment. Ariel was in tears, remembering the movie of their parents wedding. Vianna was singing the song from their first dance as a married couple and their first date from what they had told them about. She held the camera in her hand, wanting to remember this. Castiel was in Dean's arms, his head buried in Dean's neck with tears brimming his eyes. Azriel was silently sniffling behind them and Zachriel was wiping tears from the corners of his eyes.

Vianna continued singing and Tom continued to stare, humming along with her and rubbing his thumb on the back of her hand.

When the song was over, Tom went to sit next to her on the hospital bed and Vianna immediately cuddled up against him.

"I'm not ready to let you go." Tom croaked out.

"It's going to be okay, baby. I'm still here."

"You know, this reminds me of back when we were young, we were in this same position on a hospital bed, the same situation except this time, we're not secretly in love with each other. This time, we're married, with a family, and grandkids." Tom was smiling as tears welled up in his eyes.

"This time, you're not getting ready to leave or going to your own world." Vianna continued after Tom.

"No, this time, you're my world. You're the one that's going to leave me, this time. This time, I'm staying with you no matter what." Tom finished.

Vianna was silent. She knew time was running out for her, but she didn't know how much she had left. She didn't want to leave Tom alone. She wasn't ready to say goodbye to him and her kids, but that can't be helped.

Meanwhile, their kids were still watching them, they stood at the doorway a couple of minutes more before deciding to make themselves known.

"Hey,mommy. How are you feeling?" Cas asked. Shaking his father's hand and kissing his mom's forehead.

"I'm okay, sweetheart. How are you guys?" Vianna responded.

"We're fine, mom." Answered Ariel. "We miss you at home."

"I miss being home." Vianna chuckled. At that moment the doctor came in, saying he would like to run some tests. Everyone besides Tom left and Vianna held tightly onto Tom's hand.

A few hours later, the doctor came back with results. Vianna was asleep at the moment so the doctor requested to talk to Tom outside into the hall.

"Mr. Holland. I'm afraid I have some bad news." The doctor started.

"What is it?! Is my wife going to be okay?! Tell me!!"

"Mr. Holland. Please calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down?! Are you serious?! My wife has cancer. CANCER! For the second time! AND you just told me you have some bad news. So don't you dare tell me to calm down."

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