Chapter 7: Please?

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Today marks their three year anniversary. Vianna has been in a very glum mood since Tom is, sadly, working so he is unable to be with her. It, also seems he forgot since he hasn't even called or FaceTimed like he usually would, not even a text. She was still glad that she didn't have class today, though. She had been stressing about her finals that were coming up and she was hoping Tom would be here to help her relax. She, also hoped he would be able to make it to her graduation ceremony, but by the looks of it, he'll still be working.

Vianna was walking around in her's and Tom's shared apartment. Yeah, you heard right. They both decided to buy an apartment and move in together for their two year anniversary. It has been the best decision they had both ever made.

Vianna walked into their kitchen in just one of Tom's shirts and of course, her undergarments, Tessa right behind her, and thought about what to cook. She decided on making spaghetti since she's been craving it for a while. Making her way towards the cupboard, she took out the ingredients before making her way to get the sauce from the refrigerator. She finished making the meal in less than an hour and got ready to eat. She took out a bottle of beer, something she doesn't do often and made her way to the table. Just as she was about to take a seat, the doorbell echoed around the apartment and Vianna jumped at the sudden sound. She was curious and a little scared from watching that horror movie earlier, but still managed to make her way towards the door. Slowly, she unlocked it and turned the knob, trying to hide behind the door due to her lack of pants.

Behind the door, Tom stood with a wide smile, his luggage beside him on the floor and his arms wide open for Vianna to jump into. She was in his arms in a heartbeat and a few tears escaped both of their eyes, the months of not seeing each other broke their hearts.

"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be filming." She cried into his neck.

"I asked for the weekend off to be with my girl. You didn't think I wouldn't be here for our anniversary, did you?" He whispered in her ear.

"I thought you forgot." She whimpered.

"I could never forget, love." He kissed her, softly on the lips. He held her by her thighs that were wrapped around his waist and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you not wearing any pants?!" He babbled.

He,rapidly, looked across both sides of the hallway, making sure no one saw or was staring at his girl before walking into the apartment, not letting Vianna go.  He closed the door, once he managed to drag his luggage in, and made his way to their bedroom, rubbing Tessa's head as he passed her.

He set Vianna down on the bed and changed into more comfortable clothes.

"I made spaghetti. I was just about to sit down and eat. Care to join?" Vianna asks, standing in front of Tom, one hand on his chest and the other running through his hair.

"Of course, babygirl." He spoke, his voice raspy.

They made their way into the kitchen where Vianna served Tom a plate and sat at the table , her plate already there. 

"Is that... is that a beer?" Tom questioned, surprised.

"Yeah... I uh... I didn't think you were going to come home so I was going to celebrate by myself... and drink the stress of the upcoming finals away. haha."

Vianna, close to never drank. She hated people being drunk off their ass, doing stupid shit they'll regret. She didn't see the point in getting drunk, especially when hangovers existed. Tom knew that. He didn't mind it, but he did try not to drink too much around her.

"You... you don't like drinking... Especially alone... should I be worried? More than I am?" Tom asked.

"No, baby. It's fine. I was just going to drink one. Anyway, it's our anniversary, let's enjoy it." Vianna sighed.

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