Chapter 8: Life Without You is Unlivable

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After three months of planning, the day was finally here. Vianna was on cloud nine, thinking about how in just a few hours, she'd be married to the love of her life.

She was, currently, in her childhood room, her mom, sisters, grandma, and Tom's mom surrounding her as they helped her get ready. Her hair and make up were done, all she needed left was to put on her beautiful dress and heels.

"Vianna, stop pacing, it makes all of us nervous." Her sister, Carolina told her.

"I'm sorry, it's just... a lot could go wrong. What if he leaves me again? Or what if he decides he doesn't want to marry me anymore? Or what if he..."

"Vianna! Breathe... breathe, okay? He won't leave you! He loves you just as much as you love him, and the fact that we're here getting you ready for the wedding proves it, okay?" Her mom soothes.

"Okay." Vianna sighed.

"Good. Now let's get this dress on you. We're on a tight schedule."

Over at the hotel Tom was in, Harrison helped Tom tie his tie as Harry, Sam, Paddy and Dominic got ready as well.

"What if she doesn't want to marry me anymore?" Tom asked, his voice cracking a little. "Like what if she doesn't walk down the isle to me?"

"Tom... she loves you, man. She's going to walk down the isle to you. She will." Harrison assured.

"Maybe this is a mistake. Maybe we aren't ready."

"Tom." Sam warned. "It's too late to back out now. You can't leave her. You asked her to marry you. You wanted this. She wants this. If you weren't ready, you wouldn't be here getting ready, for your wedding, the one you have been talking about, endlessly, since even before she said yes."

"I-I..." Tom stuttered.

His cellphone cut him off as it rang, Vianna's nickname flashing on the screen with a picture of her laughing.

Back at Vianna's house, the dress was on and as they finished adjusting it, Vianna's nerves worsened. Everything hit her at once and she struggled to breathe. Her surroundings blurred as she gasped for a breath. The voices blurred, as if they were distant. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to deal with this. This has happened before, and she hated it. Her brother was the one that helped her the last time it happened, but he currently wasn't available.

Her mom, remembering the last time Vianna got this way, lead her to take a seat.

"Vianna? Hey! It's okay! Hey! Look at me, baby. It's okay!" She tried to console.

The words, however, didn't register to Vianna. It just sounded mumbled.

"Get Tom!" Carolina, lightly,shouted. "But blindfold him so he doesn't see Vianna yet."

Her other sister, Katherine, ran out of the room to call Tom to get him to come over as soon as possible. He didn't want to get ready in Vianna's house, in case he accidentally saw her before the wedding, so he was currently in a hotel.

"Hello? Vianna?" Tom answered.

"No, this is Katherine. I grabbed Vianna's phone to call you. She's having a panic attack and you need to get over here as soon as possible. We can't calm her down." Katherine practically screamed through the phone.

"I'm on my way." Was all Tom said as he hung up and ran out of the hotel room.

"Where are you going?" Harrison shouted behind him.

Harrison ran after him, along with Harry and Sam. All three worried he was ditching his own wedding.

Tom jumped into his car, jamming the keys into the ignition, putting the car in reverse.

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