Chapter 15: Our Love Story

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Tom sat motionless in the waiting room. His eyes swollen and red, mouth dry and sore. Harrison, Sam, Harry, Jack, Carolina, and Jacob came running down the hall.

"Tom? Where is she? What happened?" Jack asked as soon as they all reached him.

Tom stared blankly at them. He, then, looked back at the white wall across from him.

"She's fine." Tom's voiced was hoarse. It being the first thing he has said for an hour.

"Well, where is she? What are you doing out here? The doctors called us saying something happened." Jacob said.

"She was moved to the morgue." Tom responded monotonously. "She died an hour ago."

"Oh god." Carolina sobbed. "No! You're lying."

Tom didn't respond to her and Harrison gasped as he placed a hand over his mouth. "C'mere mate." Harrison tried wrapping Tom into a hug, but Tom slapped his hand away, quickly.

"Don't touch me!" Tom growled. "Don't fucking touch me!"

Carolina sobbed into Jacob's chest as his and Jack's eyes watered. They couldn't like believe they lost their sister.

"Tom..." Harry said, moving towards him. "Mate. I think we should get you out of here."

Tom stayed silent and continued staring at the wall.  Harrison, Sam, and Harry shared a worried look.

"C'mon Tom. Let's go home. You need to rest." Sam spoke, slowly.

"No! I'm fine! Leave me alone!" Tom shouted. "I'm okay." He whispered as he finally broke down.

Harry and Sam teared up as they realized that not only had they had lost their sister in law, but they might have lost their brother too.  They watched as Harrison took ahold of Tom as he sobbed.  Tom gripped tightly onto Harrison, soaking his T-shirt with tears.

"She's gone. She's really gone. I can't. Haz! It hurts! It hurts too much! I love her, mate! I fucking love her and she's gone! She left me!"


A couple of days later, Tom stood at the cemetery in front of the freshly covered grave. The tombstone saying:

Vianna Holland Montes
Beloved wife, mother, sister, and grandmother
December  2001- October 18 2054

Tom stood in his black suit, staring down at his wife's grave, tears streaming down his cheeks. Everyone was gone by now, the ceremony being over. He kneeled down as he placed a single daisy on top of the dirt.

"This is your favorite flower." He started. "Was." He corrected himself. He cleared his throat, trying to calm his breathing. "God I miss you so much, babygirl." He cried softly. "You're my world. And I don't think I can do this without you. Live, I mean. I didn't think I'd lose you so soon. I wasn't ready to lose you. Why did you leave me, babygirl. Why?"

Tom gripped his suit jacket, a fist right over his heart. He gasped for air as he sobbed. "Why, babygirl?"


Six months later, Tom has decided to retire. He no longer felt that he could continue making movies or shows. He didn't want to be away from home. Away from Vianna's faint scent that was left in their home. He didn't want to be away, knowing that Vianna won't be there waiting for him when he comes home.

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