Chapter 16: I'm Still Here For You , Babygirl. Always. You Got Me.

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Their kids, Sam, Harry, Harrison, Paddy and Vianna's sister and brothers surrounded Tom as he laid in the bed. His eyes were shut.

Sam and Harry each held one of Tom's hands as they sobbed. Cas, Zack, AZ, and Ariel all stood in the corner. They were all scared of losing their big brother and father. Harrison stood at the foot of the bed, silent tears streaming down his face.

"Please wake up, Tom." Sam whispers. "Please, Please wake up."

Harry reached over to place a hand on Sam's shoulder. Sam sobbed as he walked out of the hospital room to try to calm himself down. Paddy took Sam's place and sat down, gently, on the bed.

"Tom? Please wake up. I'm not ready to lose my big brother. I lied when I said you were really old. You're just old. You still have time left to live. We were supposed to race with our wheel chairs." Paddy cried.

Harry let out a sob as he heard their younger brother talk to Tom. They may have been grown, but they will never be prepared to lose each other.

It was mostly silent after that. The heart rate of Tom, sniffles and sobs were the only sounds in the room. They all just stared at Tom, scared that if they looked away for even a second, Tom would be gone.

Castiel walked in minutes later.

"Cas? How is he?" Harrison asked.

"The tests came back and well there's good news and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?"

The twins, Harrison and Paddy shared a look as well as Tom's kids.

"We'd like to hear the bad first." Ariel said.

"The bad news is that Tom may never wake up. He has a very bad head injury."

"What's the good news?" AZ asked.

"The good news is that there's also a chance he'll wake up. It's very helpful if he hears familiar voices while he's in a coma. It helps him with knowing he's surrounded by people he knows and will help him want to wake up." Castiel waited for a response.

"Okay. We'll try that. Thank you, Cas." Paddy mumbled. Cas  walked out with a nod and the 4 brothers sighed.

"Well? Let's try it!" Paddy said as he moved closer to Tom's side.

"Tom? I know you can hear me and I want you to know we love and miss you. All of us. We need you to wake up. We're waiting for you to wake up. Please wake up." Paddy cried, softly. He's trying to stay strong but it's really hard when the person he's always looked up to is at his death bed.

"My turn." Harry said. " Hey Thomas. You better wake up. I really want you to wake up, mate. I miss you. Who am I going to take pictures of ,when I don't have any inspiration? I still need my brother. C'mon Tom. Just wake up."

"Hey Tom, it's Sam here. We all really need you to wake up. We lost Vianna a couple of years ago. It's still too soon too lose you too. I still need advice on some things. I love you. Please Tom."

"Mate, it's Haz. I honestly don't know what to say other than if you don't wake up I'll kick your arse. And if you do wake up, I'll kick your arse but for a different reason. We really miss you Tom. So just wake up."


Two days have passed and Tom hasn't woken up. The four brothers have continued to talk to Tom, but feel hopeless.

"This isn't working. He's not waking up. What if he doesn't wake up?" Paddy croaked.

"I have an idea!" Harry shouted, suddenly.

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