Chapter 11: Family

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It is now sixteen years later. All four of Tom and Vianna's children are married with a couple of kids of their own. Cas has been happily married with his best friend, Dean, with three kids, two girls and a boy. Azrael is married to a lovely woman, Allison with two boys . Zachriel has married Elena and they had two boys and two girls. Ariel married Dylan and they have one boy and a newborn babygirl.
They were all having their monthly family dinner at Tom's and Vianna's house. Tom stared, lovingly at Vianna as she told their grandkids of when her and Tom got married. She loved telling that story and the kids loved to listen to it just as much.

They were all seated on the dinner table, eating and conversing about anything and everything.

"So how are you both?" Cas asked.

"We're both fine, Cas. Same as we were the last time you asked, a couple of days ago. I know you're a doctor, but just because we're old doesn't mean we're not healthy. Right, love?" Tom turned to Vianna, waiting for her to agree.

"Right!" She giggled.

"And how's that movie you were filming, coming along?"

"I finished it last week. It went great!" Tom told him.

"How you manage to still film is beyond me. I mean you're getting old. " Cas joked.

"I'm not old, I'm only 69." Tom sassed. "Right, babygirl?"

"Sure, baby. Whatever you say." Vianna giggled . Tom gasped and wrapped his arms around Vianna, kissing her cheeks.

"And I thought you'd be on my side." Tom mumbled, jokingly.

Cas smiled at his parents. Even after many years, they were both still madly in love with each other. Everyone could see it.

Once everyone finished the meal, Vianna got up to wash the dishes.

"I can help." Ariel said, making her way out of her seat.

"No, sweetheart. It's fine, I've got it. Everyone go to the living room and choose a movie!" Everyone knew not to argue with her. She was the most stubborn person ever,and so they made their way to the living room, taking a seat on their couches.

Meanwhile, Vianna was in the kitchen washing the dishes. There was a faint smile on her face as she heard her family bickering and laughing. She felt so happy with her life. Who would've thought that she would've not only met her celebrity crush, but marry and have kids with him.

Just as she was about to finished, she went to grab the last plate, which was on the table behind her. As she took a step towards the table and grabbed the plate, her head spun and she froze, thinking that maybe she had turned around too fast. Her vision became blurry and her ears turned hot. She knew the feeling. She was about to faint. She tried to take another step, but she tilted to the side, crashing into a nearby stool. The plate had slipped from her hands, making another loud crash.

"Babygirl?" Tom shouted from the living room. "Are you okay?"

After she didn't respond for a minute, he jumped up from the couch and rushed to the kitchen. Vianna had fallen to the ground, closing her eyes. She couldn't fight the darkness, anymore.

"Vianna?!" Tom screamed.

That was the last thing she heard as she lost consciousness.

"Someone get the car ready! We have to go to the hospital!" Tom shouted.

Cas ran into the room and saw his mother on the floor unconscious. He picked her up, quickly and made his way to his car, Tom rushing behind him, panting.

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