Chapter 4: First Date?

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After the treatment, Doctor Derbez walked out, into the waiting room where Vianna's family and Tom sat down with his best friend, Harrison. Tom was the first to notice the doctor and stood up, Harrison right beside him, knowing he might need to hold him back.
"How is she? How did it go? Where is she? Can I go see her?" He asked the doctor.  He noticed the glum look on the doctor's face and got closer to him.

"Answer me! What's wrong?!" He was getting impatient and Harrison pulled him back, quickly.

"Mate, you need to calm down." He told him as Tom's breathing became hard.  "I need to know she's okay. I need to know." Tom whispered
"Vianna's... there was an incident that happened during the treatment." The doctor told them.
"What?! What happened?!" Vianna's mom asked, anxiety building up. "Answer her!" Tom screamed, again. Harrison put his arm around Tom and pulled him down to sit, trying to calm him down.

"She had a panic attack during the treatment and because of that, we almost messed it up. I remembered what Mr. Holland, there, told me to do in case something went wrong..." He paused for a moment, looking at everyone before sighing and spoke.

"It wasn't working, but we spoke the words louder for her to hear over her heavy breathing."

"And? Did it work? Is she okay?" Tom asked from where he was seated. Doctor Derbez looked at Tom and smiled.

"And it worked! She made it through the treatment. She's should be better."

At hearing those words, Tom jumped up grinning so wide, he felt as if he looked like the joker from Batman. He hugged Harrison and went up to Vianna's family to hug them as well.

"Can we see her?" Her mom asked.

"Yes. You can. Do you have any further questions?"

"No. Thank you. We're okay. Thank you so much!" Her family said.

They all started making their way towards Vianna's room. Doctor Derbez, however, stopped Tom before he left and pulled him aside. He, gently, handed Tom the camera.
"Here is what you requested Mr. Holland. Vianna seems to love and care for you very much. We almost lost her in there, but we put you into her thoughts and she made it. You're the reason she made it through, along with the thought of being with you. It seems that you, also, love and care for her as well. It is very obvious you too are meant to be. She's a strong one and a faithful one. From the, almost two years that I've known her, she is by far the most amazing of my patients. You're a lucky man, Mr. Holland. Don't let her go." With those words lingering in Tom's mind, the doctors walked away. Tom smiled as the words processed. He sure was a lucky guy.

By the time Tom walked into Vianna's room, everyone was seated and holding conversations. His eyes fell on Vianna and he grinned. She was laying down in her hospital gown, a smile permanently set on her face as she conversed with her older brother. She looked as beautiful as ever.  Vianna turns to look at Tom, after feeling his gaze on her, and grinned wider. She motioned her hand, signaling him to come to her. He complied without hesitation.

Tom stood beside Vianna's bed and smiled down at her.

"Hello, Love. How are you feeling?" He asked her, a worried look replacing his smile.

"I'm feeling fine. Don't worry, Tommy. I just have to stay here for another couple of weeks so they can make sure I'll be okay."

"That's great! I've got ideas for our date and    I-I, you know, want to know more about what you like and don't like so I don't mess anything u-." Tom's little rant was cut off by his phone ringing. He, silently, cursed as he excused himself and apologized after seeing it was his manager.

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