Chapter 12: What About Happily Ever After?

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Vianna didn't know what to say. She sat, frozen, processing the words. It had been years since she's heard those words. She never thought she'd hear them again. Vianna wasn't sure on what to do. She looked at Tom, who was standing beside her, emotionless.

"Baby?" She asked him. "You know it's going to be okay. I'm going to be okay."

Tom just stared at her, his eyes empty. He couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth. He had completely lost control and snapped, his emotions getting the best of him.

"No! It's not okay! Did you not hear what I just said?! You have cancer! Again! I can't lose you, babygirl! I almost lost you before! I can't go through that again. I don't want neither of us to go through that again! Especially our kids and grandkids! I'm not ready to lose you!We were supposed to have more time! You were supposed to stay okay! Out of all the people in the world, why did it have to be you!?Why?!" He croaked.

Tom walked out of the room, head hung low. He tried wiping his tears, but they were flowing nonstop so he gave up and went to look for his kids.

Meanwhile, Vianna sat on the hospital bed, staring intently at the door that Tom had just walked out of. She thought back to when she was 16 years old, she was in a similar hospital bed, crying as softly as possible to not disturb her sleeping mother. She was scared then, at such a young age and she was starting a battle for her life. Now 47 years later, she was in the same situation, only this time, she wasn't sad.

She had lived longer than she had ever expected to. She married the one man that she never in a million years thought she would. She had four great kids with the love of her life and she got to meet her grandchildren. She has had an amazing life. She was scared, frightened even, but she wasn't despondent. In fact, she just wanted Tom and her kids.

Tom was scared. He didn't mean to shout at her, but he couldn't help it. He hated the thought of losing her. The thought that her days are probably numbered. The thought that there's a chance that he won't ever see her again. The thought that he might have to say goodbye to the love of his life, sooner than he ever expected to.

Out in the waiting room, Cas, AZ, Zack, and Ariel sat, still crying. They lifted their heads up at the sound of their father's footsteps. They were confused and worried, as they stared at their father.

"Dad? What happened? Is she okay? How is she doing?" Azrael asked, walking towards him.

"I told her." Tom said, emotionlessly, staring off into the distance.

"How did she take it?" It was Cas who asked this time.

"She said that it was going to be okay." Tom moved his eyes to the hallway he just came out of and chuckled, humorlessly. "Can you believe that? She said it was going to be okay." He looked at them and shook his head.

The kids looked at each other, worriedly. They were worried for their dad, never have they seen him like this. So emotionless and scarily calm. He was always so lively.

"Hey, dad? How about we go get you something to eat? The cafeteria is selling some burgers right now. C'mon. Let's go." Ariel tried to lead Tom to the elevator to go down to eat, but Tom wouldn't budge.

"No. I'm staying here. I'm not going to leave her this time. Not again. I promised I wouldn't leave her again. I promised her years ago and I haven't broken it. I won't break it now."

They all shared saddened and worried looks, once again. Nonetheless, they nodded. Tom turned around and made his way back into the room.

Vianna was on the phone with her older sister, Carolina. Her forehead was scrunched and eyebrows furrowed. She tried to console the person that Tom was unsure of. Tom went to take a seat as Vianna ended the call with an 'I love you.'

"Hey..." Vianna hesitantly whispered to Tom.

"I'm not leaving you." Tom stated boldly. His eyes stayed in hers as he made his way towards her. "I'm never going to leave you. I'm going to be with you, every step of the way."

Vianna just smiled at him. She honestly felt so happy, considering the circumstances. Once Tom reached her side, she stared up at him, lovingly.

"I never doubted that. You promised. And now I promise that, even if things don't go the way we want them to, I will always love you. And what you said earlier, At first, I use to think that way. Why me? There's billions of people in this world, why did it have to be me. And then I thought, if it wasn't me, then it'd be someone else. So, if I didn't have... cancer, someone else would, feeling the pain i felt. In a way, I was saving someone else. And the pain, the worry, everything, is worth it, if it means that I'm saving someone else."

Tom's eyes watered again, tears started falling. He didn't want to lose her. She shouldn't even be here. She was supposed to be better, and she was for many years, but she should've been able to live the rest of her life without this. It wasn't fair. She wasn't supposed to go through this again. Tom held her face in his hands as they stared at each other.

"I will ALWAYS love you too, babygirl. I'm here for you, okay?I got you."

"Always." Vianna whispered.

Tom leaned in and gave her a long passionate kiss to which she returned. They pulled away and Vianna whispered to Tom.

"I'm scared."

"I know. I'm scared too, but we're going to get through this, okay?"

"Okay." Vianna pulled Tom to her, as close as possible, on the hospital bed and just gripped on his shirt. Tom wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead as she cried into his chest. He sobbed, quietly, in her neck , his heart breaking into pieces.

There in the hospital bed, they cried, gripping onto each other, as if their life depended on it, and in some way, it did.

A/N: This was short, but I cried while typing it and I felt like the chapter should've ended in a sad/sweet way. Hope you enjoyed and don't be a silent reader! Next chapter will be up on Monday.

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