Chapter 2 - Baby on Board

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I sigh as I relive the events of the past hour. I cradle my head in my hands, wondering what possessed me to accept their request. 

It's at times like these, when you're squished up into a ball, that you realize you really, really need to put on some deodorant, I think to myself. I'm playing hide and seek with Matt since he's now home from school. I squished myself behind the arm chair in the living room, and I really do need to get out. And put on some deodorant. 

I think about the fact that soon I'll be pregnant. I won't be able to play hide and seek with Matt much longer. Not be able to hide, at least. I already eat healthily and I exercise daily. I'll have to cut out the cardio and weights, just walks around the city now. I don't think my life will change that much. There's just the nine months ahead. Oh yeah, and when I actually give birth. 

If only I knew how much it really would change. 

"Found you!" Matt screams, startling me out of my thoughts. The look of joy on his young face makes my insides warm. He's so innocent, nothing will take that from him. I'll make sure of that. 

I gasp falsely, intending to encourage his accomplishment. "You're such a good seeker!" I say, smiling at him. 

"What you thinking about, Lauren?" he asks, leading me by my hand to the couch, where he sits me down and pulls himself onto my lap. I rest my hand on his head, soothed by the rhythmic stroking and his heartbeat against my own chest.

"Oh, just your parents visit today." I respond nonchalantly. 

"What did they say?" he asks, unmoving from his spot on my lap. 

Uh oh. "They assigned me a new job to do around here." I say.

"You're still my nanny?" he says, panic in his voice. He jerks his head off my chest and looks at me worriedly. 

"Of course. This new job won't take away from you, I promise." 

"Okay. What is it?" he asks, his attention span doing a complete turnaround. It's an innocent question, but I've no idea how to answer it. I don't think he'll understand why I'd have his brother or sister in my belly rather than his mother. I don't want to lie to him either. His parents did give me instructions to get him used to the idea, so I better break it to him one way or another. 

"Well, Matt..." I sigh, screwing up my mouth, thinking hard. "You're going to have a baby sister or brother soon." 

"Really?" he beams, his eyes lighting up. I have to smile at the notion that he is excited at the news. But how will he understand how he's going to get his sibling?

"Yes. But Matt, there's something else I need to tell you." I bite my lower lip, reciting the words to explain in my head. 

"What?" he asks, putting his little hand in mine. 

"I'm going to have your sibling."

"Huh?" he asks, cocking his head to the side. 

"Your mommy can't have the baby in her stomach," I say, poking his belly. "But I can. So the doctors are going to put the baby in my stomach." I finish, pointing to my own midriff. 

"Oh." he says, looking up at me with a confused expression on his face. "Okay."

.  .  .

I feel myself start to get nervous as the limo driver speeds down the road to the obstetrician. I've haven't been this nervous since I was preparing to leave for college. I had been accepted into New York University, with all my credits I was able to graduate ahead of schedule. But this is something different. I'm about to have a person growing inside of me. It's making me so nervous I'm sweating and I have goosebumps at the same time. 

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