Chapter 4 - In the Spotlight

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“Nooooo!” I groan as I pass the newsstand. People stare at me, but I send them looks asking them to mind their own business. They shrug, most continuing down the street. However, a few hover at the stand, looking at the issues of trashy magazines. 

I slap my hands over my eyes, then walk closer, unable to go on my merry way. (Sarcasm.)

All the magazines have the same cover story. You can probably guess what it is. At this point, Tom Cruise is old news. 

There’s a picture of me, sunglasses on, walking down the street. At first glance, I don’t look at all out of the ordinary. But then, you can see my protruding belly after you look more closely. From the picture, I can tell I was about thirteen weeks, which was last week. I didn’t even know there were people taking pictures of me! Next to the picture of me, is a picture of Angie and Chris. The headline screams:


I snatch the magazine out of the rack and hand the clerk standing there the money, before hustling down the street back to the apartment. I flip to the story on page twenty, becoming engrossed in the lies they made up about me. Since they haven’t interviewed me or the Klore’s, they don’t know what the story is and they don’t know that I’m pregnant with their child. 

“This is so bad.” I groan, continuing walking. I flip the magazine again to see a full page spread of pictures of me, including one at Yogo with Angie, shoveling it in my mouth. Now that makes me look like a pig and pregnant. Ugh!

“Hey!” A voice pulls from my terrible findings, and I look up quickly to notice a somewhat homeless looking man hobbling over. “Hey, pretty thing. You got any money?”

I gulp, feeling uneasy. “No, I’m sorry, sir.” I am lying, I do have money, but I was cautioned not to give any to the homeless in case they use it for something not so satisfactory. I usually distribute food on my walks around the city instead, there isn’t any harm in that, but at the moment I have none on me. 

“That’s too bad. Maybe a face like that will get me something else, then.” he says, reaching for my arm. 

I jerk out of the way,  my heartbeat accelerating. “Please, sir, I’m sorry. I have nothing to give you.”

“I doubt that.” he growls in my face, this time catching hold of my upper arm and squeezing. I shout out in alarm and a little out of pain. His strong grip is scaring me. 

“Please! Stop!” 

He doesn’t, beginning to drag me down the street. His strength takes me by surprise and I stumble, struggling to keep my balance. “Please.” I beg, “please, stop.”

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?” a new voice startles me out of my fear and I whip around, a welcome sight greets my eyes. The guy from the video store, dressed similarly to the day I met him. His tie is loosened around his neck and his dark hair is gelled, but from the way he’s standing there he looks like he could crush a car. The anger behind his blue eyes is enough to make my stomach flip, and I know I can’t blame it on the pregnancy. 

My conscience has enough nerve to kick in her two cents, Stop checking him out while you’re being dragged like a kite. 

Let the girl’s arm go, or so help me you’re going to regret it.” he speaks, forcefulness stilling all my limbs. 

The homeless man looks between me and my hero, seeming indecisive. I feel pain shoot up my arm again and accidentally let out a whimper. 

“Let her go!” he shouts, stepping toward him and menacingly cowering over the man, using his advantage of a good three or four inches of height. This time he doesn’t take a second to consider and bolts down the busy street, leaving me swaying from the abrupt alleviation. 

I could still feel the imprint of his hand around my arm, even after he had gone. I am broken from my thoughts when a new arm brushes my unbruised one. My eyes jerk up to meet the blue ones who had moments ago been blazing, but now hold warmth and concern deep enough to weaken my knees. 

“Are you okay?” he asks, his question laced with uncertainty. He must think I’m not. 

“I...I think so.”

“We keep meeting like this.” Zack says. I know immediately what he means, he has come to my rescue for the second time. 

“Ye-yeah. We do.” I say, sniffling, wiping at my eyes. I feel stupid crying over something so trivial, but I would never forgive myself if anything happened to Angie and Chris’s baby. I was scared for my life for a second there. 

“Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks, stepping closer and his hands twitch. 

I nod. “I’m fine. Thanks. Thank you for intervening. I don’t want to know what would have happened if you didn’t.” I admit, shuddering a little. 

“It’s nothing. There’s no need to thank me.” he says, smiling and bending down to retrieve my handbag and unfortunately, my magazine, which were dropped to the cement during the scene. I had failed to notice until now. He picks up both, handing me my purse, then glances down at the magazine. 

“Is this you?” he asks, his eyes darting up and down, matching my features to the girl on the cover, which you know, was me. 

I sigh, looking up into his face. “Yes. I’m Lauren Flora and I’m a nanny for Angie and Chris Klore.”

His eyes travel down to my midriff, and I tense up. I know he probably wouldn’t ask, he’s really nice, but I feel compelled to be honest with him. My cheeks heat up as I clear my throat.

“Zack, I’m going to be honest with you.”

“Okay.” he says.

“I’m pregnant. I became a surrogate for the Klore’s, Angie couldn’t carry. So,” I suck in a breath. “I am.” I don’t consider the fact that it may not be in my best interests to divulge the information, but Angie and Chris never told me I had restrictions on who I could tell. Except my own family, who will not be hearing of this. Besides, it’s my body. 

“I should go.” I say, playing with the zipper on my bag. “Bye, Zack.”

I turn, feeling his eyes on my back. It’s not right, Lauren. You’re having your bosses’ baby. This is not the time for a guy, I try to convince myself, pushing down the butterflies growing in my belly. I rest my hand on my stomach, which bulges out a bit from my peacoat. 

I remember the promise I made to myself when I came to New York and started working for the Klore’s. My first interaction with Matt was when I decided, a sweet two year old who then clung to my leg five minutes after I arrived at the interview seemed to make my decision so easy. 

I vowed I wouldn’t fall in love while I was working for them. It wouldn’t be fair to Matt, for my attention to go to a man. I’m only twenty one, I’m not ready either. I don’t care that I’ll never see Zack again, I try to convince myself. It’s not working very well.  

“Wait! Lauren! Wait!” I hear behind me. I feel him grab my elbow, and I turn to face him. 

“Would you like to have dinner with me sometime? I know we just met and all, but I-I just-” he stutters, staring into my eyes, his darting back and forth nervously. 

I gulp, taking in some breath, and letting it out. I close my eyes, before looking back at him. 

“I’m sorry. I can’t.” It doesn’t help that my voice cracks, the feelings I have showing through in my eyes, voice, and face. “I just can’t.”

His face falls, but he recovers quickly. “I understand. Here.” he says, slipping something into my hand. I feel tears well up in my eyes again, and I give him a small smile. 

“Bye, Lauren.” he says, and I nod, turning and wrapping my arms around my waist and hurrying down the street. 

I make it home, barely. I shiver in the light autumn breeze still providing goosebumps over my skin. I dig out my phone once I make it inside the apartment, dialing my friend Lisa’s number. As I talk to her, begging her to come over, I look down at my hand and realize what Zack gave me. 

His number. 

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