Chapter 34 - All That's Left

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“What is she talking about, Zack?” I plead with my eyes for him to tell me it’s not true. That Charlie is my daughter. I’m her mother. 

And Zack is her father. 

“Miss Flora, were you unaware that you were biologically related to Charlotte?”

I tear my eyes away from Zack, who is still staring at me. “I was. I was under the impression that I was a surrogate for Mr. and Mrs. Klore.” I respond, my voice soft but with an edge that makes it apparent that I’m furious. 

“I’m sorry to have to be the first to inform you, but surrogacy is not legal in the state of New York. All surrogacy agreements, regardless of the sexual orientation of the individuals involved, are void and unenforceable under New York law. They are contrary to the state’s public policy. Our office was informed that you were coming in to get IVF treatments in order to become pregnant. We were never told you were intended to be a carrier for the child of Mr. and Mrs. Klore.”

“So, you’re saying that I was inseminated without the knowledge that I was supposed to be a surrogate. And I was injected with the intention of becoming pregnant with my child and a donor’s.” I say, the concept wrapping around my brain. It squeezes, causing pain to appear in my left temple and making me blink. 

“Yes. That is correct.”

“It appears,” the doctor continues, huffing out a breath and glaring at Angie, who is gripping the arm of her chair. “that the two had the intention to go around the law. What they did not factor in, however, was that if you were going to be carrying her, you would be the biological mother.”

I look over at Chris, whose expression is a mix of guilt, just like Zack’s, and sorrow. 

“Was Mr. Hunt aware that his donation was used?”

Dr. May stares down at her clipboard uncomfortably. 

“Was he?” my voice raises an octave, screeching a little. I feel my chest start to constrict as panic sets in. 

I have a baby. 

I’m a mother. 


“Did you two sleep together?” Angie shouts, pointing her finger at me and Zack. She shoots out of her chair. It clatters backward to the floor with a crash, causing Charlie to let out a startled cry. 

“What?!” Zack cries from the corner. 

“No!” I hiss out. “Have you been listening at all?”

“Excuse me if I don’t like listening to doctors spewing nonsense and making me feel like an idiot.” she snaps. 

“You are an idiot.” 

“Don’t you talk to me that way.”

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