Chapter 8 - Waking Up

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  • Dedicated to In honor of Cherilyn. RIP.

     This chapter is dedicated to Cherilyn. Loving mother, wife and great nurse. I pray for their family and have them in my thoughts. Rest in peace, Cherilyn. 

I turn over, shutting off my alarm. My new favorite song was playing on my radio and in my dream. I slide my feet on the creamy soft covers, picturing my dream again. Zack. His lips. Why did I have to wake up?

Oh, yeah. Because if I have to. I wish sometimes dreams never had to end. Or you could continue dreams like you can with DVR. Maybe eventually we will be able to. 

I heave myself up, crossing the day off on the calendar. October 8th. My ultrasound is today, and I'm really nervous. I pray that everything's okay with both me and the baby. 

My bare feet hit the cold, hardwood floor and I quickly shuffle into my slippers. Already, it's getting really cold in the apartment. I crank up the heat, shivering even though I'm almost covered head to toe. I look around for my phone, and the slip of paper Zack gave me his number on, which I've started carrying around with me. It's starting to get the little crease marks from being folded and unfolded so many times. 

I think about my dream. I was on a date with Zack, I can't remember where we were. But I had an amazing time. He was going to kiss me. I wanted him to kiss me. But then I woke up. 

I head out to the living room, getting ready to wake Matt up when I hear a voice coming from down the hall. 

"No! No! Stop!"

I sprint down to the kitchen, slamming it open, grabbing a vase of flowers off the coffee table outside, expecting the worst. 

What I see is enough to make me drop the vase. 

Which I do. 

It shatters into a million pieces at my feet. Thank God for my slippers. 

Matt is above my head, mid-squeal, mouth open in a wide stretched grin. Arms are hoisting him above their head, and my eyes travel down to see who they belong to. 


"Z-Zack." I stammer breathlessly, feeling like I'm freefalling to Earth at hundreds of miles per hour, my hair whipping against my face and my breath trapped in my chest, causing me to fight to breathe. The way he always does. 

His eyes sparkle as he looks at me, and I self-consciously glance down, to see my bunny slippers, Hello Kitty pajamas, baby bump rolling out, Medusa hair and pink robe. To match my current look of slob, my cheeks turn a very bright tomato red and I run a hand through my hair, making it worse than it was before. I showered right before I went to sleep, so not only am I not dressed, but my hair is everywhere and super, super wavy. I can't stand it sometimes. 

He keeps staring at me, and I get more fidgety by the second. I look down at Matt, who he set down on the floor. He glances between us, picking up on the weird vibe no doubt, but he's too young to understand. 

"Is this the cute boy you met a few weeks ago, Lauren?" 

Oh my God. 

"Matt! Come with me!" says someone behind me. I turn to see Shelby standing there, my phone in one hand and Zack's number in the other. I send her a death glare while she steers Matt into the living room. 

I turn back to Zack, and if I thought I was red before, I was on fire now. What do I say? He is cute. Very cute. And fit. I can see his muscles through his shirt. Darn you, Zack. And Matt! Why did he have to say that? Now I'm staring at him like an idiot with my mouth open. In my pajamas. "Um, I don't know where he got that from." I half laugh. 

"Oh. Oh, that's too bad. I thought it was cute. Almost as cute as you are in the morning." Zack says, stepping a millimeter closer to me. 

"Is that a line?" I ask, folding my arms over my stomach. 

"Maybe." he shrugs. "Why?" He gets a little closer, smiling down at me. 

"I'm not that easy." I say, shaking my head in amusement. 

"Oh, come on! I saved your life twice! Doesn't that count for something? And your friend had to call me, you didn't even do it yourself." he complains, but the smile on his face shows he's not that serious. Wow. He's... so perfect. Why can't I just give in? Why did I ever turn him down? All I can think about right now are his perfect dimples, his voice, the way his gaze holds me in one spot. I curse the day I said I wouldn't fall in love on the job. But a promise is a promise. 

"Why did you come if I didn't call myself?" I ask, cocking my head. 

He turns, grabbing a familiar coat from the table. "To give this back to you. I went in for coffee on Monday, and it was there, hanging off the back of the chair." he grins. 

"Oh, wow! I didn't even realize I lost it! Guess it's pregnancy brain." I say, taking the coat in my hands. Then I hear my own words in my head and mentally kick myself. "Oh."

He looks down at his feet, shuffling back and forth. "I understand. I should go." he says. 

I turn, about to follow him out, but all I can do is stare down at my yellow raincoat. 

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