Chapter 38 - Roots

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“We have now arrived at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. Please remain seated until we cease moving and take all your belongings with you. Thanks for flying DFW.”

A stifled grunt of discomfort escapes through my lips as I stretch my legs out into the aisle and launch myself into a standing position, turning my hips this way and that, attempting to get some blood flow into my long since wooden limbs. 

I finally know how Pinocchio felt in the season finale of Once Upon a Time. 

You know, when he was turning back into a puppet?

Hardy har har. 

My fingers go to my forehead and swipe through my hair, all the while I wonder if I’m officially losing my mind. 

My peripheral vision informs me that Nash slings his guitar case around his shoulder and strides from the compartment without another word. 

The remainder of the flight was extremely awkward, with me trying to ignore his presence. 

And he, trying to be Prince Frickin’ Charming and goof his way into my good graces. 

He failed. 

I put on my headset when he tried to talk to me about my experience in the Big Apple. What was it like working for people as famous as the Klore’s?

He wouldn’t have liked my answer. 

Horrible as hell. 

I wouldn’t have traded it for anything though, because since I worked for them, Matt came into my life. The thought of him brings a smile to my lips and I silently thank my lucky stars to have had him in my life. Even for a short while. 

Nash’s look of rejection will forever haunt me. 

Not because I care I hurt his testosterone driven feelings. 

I jut out my jaw as his name creeps into my head, no matter how much I fight it. My inner conscience shouts at me to remain still, not to go ballistic right here. 


His smile flashes in my mind’s eye, tugging unconsciously at my own mouth. The way his eyes glittered when he looked at me. My heart threatened to jump out of my ribcage every time he touched me. 

His hand on mine, his lips on my lips, moving in unison, I can’t say there’s any other feeling in the world. 

The way you can’t fight off a grin as the rest of existence fades away. The only thing you can do is let an inane smile rule your face while your brain plays one thought over and over in your head. 

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