Chapter 26 - Secrets

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 Zack’s Point of View

I nervously pace back and forth, trying not to look at anything in Lauren’s room. I somehow feel uneasy in here. It’s not like we are doing anything, but being in a woman’s room...

Makes a guy think about it. 

Or at least think about the woman. 

I really, really love her. 

I love Lauren. 

These past few weeks have broken my heart. Matt was such an amazing little boy, he was curious and sweet and intelligent. He didn’t deserve this.

Lauren didn’t deserve this. 

I’m really concerned about her. And the baby. I mean, she’s going to give birth in two months time, and she is going to be mourning for much longer than that. She has a new baby to look after and this time she’s starting over. 

How is she going to make it through this?

And why are Angie and Chris so horrible?

What is wrong with them?

Why would they care more about their careers than what’s going on around them. Can’t they see Lauren is dying inside?

I’m starting to lose my cool. 

And when I lose my cool, I say and do stupid things. 

Like blurt out something that no one should know. 

I’ve got to learn to keep my mouth shut. 

But they’re going to find out eventually anyway, right?

God, how much longer can I keep this to myself?

I have to distract myself. 

I look around for my phone, when I hear screaming from outside in the living room. 

“What do you think you’re doing?”

“Don’t touch me. You do remember this is your baby in here, don’t you?”

Uh oh. This is not good. 

This is really, really not good. 

I open the door a crack, trying to see if the coast is clear. 

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