Chapter 27 - Sanity or Insanity?

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I have to get away. From the stupid people I work for. From that house. From the idiotic, nosy reporters. 

The memories. 

As usual, it’s pouring outside. 

It’s like the sky is matching my mood. 

 I head for Central Park, hoping for some peace and quiet. All to myself. 

Not like I really should be alone, what with being deemed ‘mentally unstable’ after what happened at the hospital. 

I lost control. Just a little. 

They decided I wasn’t able to be on my own, thus talking to everyone and making sure I would be with someone 24/7. 

But that is making me more crazy. 

So be it. Maybe I want to be alone, in the rain, in the downpour, feeling connected and disconnected from the world all at once. 

I’m so fed up. 

But if I’m being honest with myself, I was kind of like that before all this happened. 

I mean, I was happy. 


I don’t know. It feels like things are almost... too perfect with Zack. 

Like he’s too good at being a boyfriend. 

To a girl with so much baggage.

I mean, I lo-

I really care about him. 

I do. 

I just can’t help but feel that-

That he’s hiding something from me. 

I’m probably just being paranoid. 

Maybe I’m not...

I spy my favorite bench in the park, and I make a beeline for it. 

When did my life become such a knotted mess? 

The baby kicks suddenly, painfully, and I inhale sharply as a Braxton Hicks contraction hits. I clench my eyes closed in agony, breathing short, quick breaths. My belly is contracting, and the baby is thrashing around all the way through, so I am close to tears when it’s over. 

“Ow.” I bite out. 

“Well, look what we have here. In the flesh and impregnated.”

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