Chapter 7 - Fate

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I decide to get some air. I don’t care that it’s raining cats and dogs outside, in fact, it’s all the more reason to. I live for rainy days. They’re my favorite, I don’t have a reason. I just do. So sue me. 

I grab my lemon yellow raincoat from the coatrack, before heading to the elevator. I slide my phone open, texting my friend Shelby as I do, asking if she wants to meet at the Starbucks on 5th. 

I rub my expanding belly, watching the numbers on the top of the elevator tick down. We’re all the way at the top, so it takes a bit. The lobby is relatively empty, and has a damp, quiet feeling. I smile, looking at the dim room, peering through the window across the room at the gray sky. It’s gorgeous, the way the clouds overlap and layer, creating texture and realty. Maybe like a colorless ball of cotton candy, made of air. I smile as I think about how many times I’ve thought if it was possible to jar a cloud. 

I push the door leading to the street, throwing a smile at the doorman, Bill, who’s worked here for longer than I’ve been alive. He gives me a withered smile in return, holding open the door that blasts me with frigid air. I tie the sash on my coat, remembering it was the one I wore the other day when I ran into Zack. 

Shelby meets me at Starbucks as planned. We met at Stanford years ago, during a summer camp when we were in junior high. It was a program you had to apply for, it was a two week, academic and residential ideal summer camp. We were both dressed in sumo suits, we were at the field day. I penguin-walked over to her, grinning from ear to ear. 

“It’s go time.” she said. 

“Is it? ‘Cuz I think it’s more falling on my face time.” I replied with a smirk. 

“Shelby.” she said, attempting to extend her hand for a shake. I laughed out loud, as she referenced the Disney movie, the Robinson’s. “I have big hands, and little arms.”

I doubled over, holding my fake bulging gut. 

“You look good as a fattie.” Shelby said, circling me.

“I would say you do too, but it’d be a lie.” I fake deadpan. 

“Oh, it’s on!” she said. She tried to take a running leap at me, but she failed miserably. 

“Oh! I’m so scared!” I cried, throwing my hands in mock horror. My mock horror faded to real horror as she barreled into my suit, knocking me to the mat. 

After we got out of the disgustingly sweaty suits, we went to the dunk tank and as we waited in line, we talked about all types of things. By the time the two weeks were up, we were attached at the hip. 

At the time, she lived in San Diego, I lived in Texas, so we saw each other only every summer. Ever since then, we haven’t lost touch. She’s just moved to New York with her fiancé. He’s a great guy, named John. I like him a lot, though of course I pretended not to at first to see how committed Shelby was, and to mess with him. It was pretty fun. 

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