Chapter 24 - Phony

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  • Dedicated to Emily


“No. But yes.” I respond, looking at Zack. 

“You still want to punch those sleaze bags right in the-” 

I gasp. I smack Zack’s arm lightly, grinning, but irritated at the same time. “I said that out loud?”

“Yes, you did. I didn’t say anything before, because it was kind of funny. Now, now I needed to make you laugh.”

“Ah. I see.” I say, training my eyes out the window. A stretch Hummer pulls up in front of the apartment, and I raise my eyebrows. That might work for high schoolers going to some lame prom, but for a group of reporters finally getting the scoop on the preggo nanny of Angie and Chris Klore? It seems a bit much. 

The press truly was having a field day. The hospital didn’t release the information on Matt, but people have noticed his absence from school and my side. 

But I never once told them anything. 

“Thanks for the laugh, Zack. But I have to do this on my own. I have to face these reporters without someone to lean on. To face Angie and Chris. To face the world. And show them who Matt’s mother really is.”

“Okay. Do you want me to leave, then?”

I smile. “No. I don’t. But, maybe you could wait in my bedroom or something? I feel like I have to be alone when Angie and Chris get up here.”

“Sure. I’ll see you after.”


He starts for my room, but turns back and hesitates. “Hey, Lauren?”


“Sucker punch them. Right in the heart.”

I nod. “I will.”

He disappears down the hall, and I glance at my reflection one last time. I don’t smell anymore, but I left my eyes puffy. My face makeup free. I left myself exactly the same way I was when I left Matt. 

Behind and covered with a sheet.

I sniff, waiting by the elevator for their arrival. 

“And this,” Angie spreads her arms wide, gesturing to her lavish home. “is where we live.  Lauren is our nanny. George is our butler.” 

I feel my smile falter, but force it back on my face. I can’t believe this. Angie is smiling. So is Chris. 

And trust me, these aren’t fake smiles. Not like mine. I’m broken inside, beaten down, crushed, and small. But I’m putting on a show because I know better. I know that the media will  get any kind of story they can. Any kind of dirt on this family. 

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