Storybrooke Shore

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So if you don't know what Geordie shore or Jersey shore is it's basically where they get a group of strangers to go clubbing and stuff..its pretty funny and I watched an episode of Geordie shore tonight and decided I'd make a one shot .enjoy x

" Aye , I'm Killian I'm from Northern Ireland and im a player "

" alright , I'm Robin I'm from Sussex and I love my whiskey "

" hmm I'm Jefferson , I'm from Wonderland and I'm as gay and you would expect "

" I'm Ruby ,I'm from Maine and I know how to party "

" Regina , queen if all things from New York "

" the names Emma , I'm from Boston and i have no clue why I'm here "

" Robert but people call me Rumple,from Maine and I'm too old to be here "

" hiya , my name is Belle , I'm from a small town in the middle of nowhere"

" okay let's go get pissed !" Robin cheered when everyone was done introducing themselves " brilliant idea " Killian cheered . The eight if them jumped into buses and went to the most popular club in Storybrooke, the rabbit hole .

They got a VIP area and started taking shots .  They were two hours into the night and Emma was chatting with Jefferson and Ruby about how the hell they ended up here . Robin and Killian were doing more shots than they could handle , Belle and Rumple were flirting and Regina was too busy sticking her tounge down a random guys throats to notice any of her new house mates .

" my Granny told me i should do this , can you believe that ! My own grandmother " Ruby exclaimed laughing " my ex boyfriend told me it would be a good idea to come on And meet new people " Emma mentioned taking a swig of her vodka "am I the o my one who thought this would be fun ?" Jefferson asked " clearly not " Emma said pointing towards Regina who was on top of a random guy "looks like she is getting laid tonight" Ruby said " oh look at these two " she added point towards Robert and Belle who were grinding on each other
" we need to get some " Ruby shouted over the music .

Ruby went off  with Jefferson to find someone to fuck so Emma walked over to Robin and Killian who were playing a shot game " what the hell are both of you doing ?" She asked laughing at them nearly falling over themselves " shots ..last one to down five shots has to do two sambukas " Robin stated " you in ?" Killian asked "yea why not " Emma said shrugging .

The first round Emma lost so she did the two sambukas .Then the second and third time she won but the three of them were ...extremely drunk , so drunk in fact that when Emma just filled her glass of vodka Killian accidentally stumbled into her which send Emma forward spilling her vodka all over Regina causing her to jump back off the man she was on top of and onto the floor . Killian , Robin and the man laughed and Emma tried to hide her laugh by holding her mouth . Regina jumped up and pushed Emma back " what's your problem !" Regina shouted at Emma who was confused " what ..i- it was an" Regina cut Emma off by pushing her again . Ruby noticed from the dance floor and ran to the area to stop it . Killian touched Reginas shoulder " alright love it was an accident " Regina scoffed " this bitch threw her drink at me " Emma rolled her eyes at Regina which she didn't like so Regina launched forward and slapped Emma across the face and pushed her on the ground " come on then ..yous started it !" Regina shouted but Emma slowly got up . Bouncers got invloved and Ruby grabbed Regina by the hair and yanked her back " get the fuck away from her " Jefferson said picking up Emma " it was an accident Regina ! Killian pushed her " Belle said calming Regina down .

Regina snapped herself out of it when she seen Emma's lip bleeding " oh crap Emma im -" she was cut off by Ruby " save it slut " she snapped . Emma brushed past Regina down the stairs and out of the club, she paced waiting for the taxi to come . Jefferson and Ruby were right after her " hey are you okay ?" Jefferson asked holding her shoulders . Emma saw pure red , she was about to kick off if she didn't get back to the house now " I'm going to kick off if I don't get home " Emma said fisting her hands . Ruby nodded just as the rest of the group were coming out of the club " Emma don't look at her just ignore her " Ruby said turning Emma away from Regina , the taxis came just in time and they all hopped in and got dropped home .

Emma , Killian , Jefferson and Ruby got home first and sat at the island to eat food "fuck that was uncalled for" Killian laughed shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth " tell me about it , got bitch slapped by a bitch for nothing " Emma spit " yea I don't understand what her problem is it was an accident " Ruby said as the rest of people came through the door . Regina sat beside Belle and ate her food . Jefferson spilt pizza on his top so Emma laughed at him " that's not funny " he said and Emma nodded " yes it is you big manchild " Ruby joined in . He picked up a piece of pizza and threw it at Emma, it missed her and got Robin in the side of the head " did you just throw pizza at me " He asked looking at Emma who laughed and pointed to Jefferson .

Robin picked up a tub of sauce and squeezed it on Jefferson and Killian
" food fight !" Robert said throwing his chips at Robin . Ruby took this as her chance and threw a kebab at Reginas face , Regina screamed and squirted mustard all over Ruby .

Emma ran up the stairs followed by Belle and into the girls room " fuck that was close " Belle said closing the door " yea I know ..i did not want to be a human pizza " Emma replied taking off her clothes " is your lip okay , I see n everything that happened " Emma touched her lip and rolled her eyes " yea nothing I haven't felt before " Emma shrugged and got under her covers . Belles bed was beside Emma's on the right  hers and Ruby was across from Emma and beside Regina . There was two other empty beds on each side .

Emma and Belle chatted for a little while longer until Ruby stumbled into the room and into the showers stripping off her clothes " shit ..that was baddd" she slurred out . When she came back out and jumped in bed Belle sat up " where's Regina ?" Ruby rolled her eyes drunkenly " sticking her tounge down Robins throat " Belle sighed and Emma groaned " she's a huge sl-" Th y stopped when the door opened and Regian walked in , ignoring everyone and going to the shower " I'm going to sleep " Emma stated and pulled the covers over her " same bye bye " Ruby slurred.

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