1- The Mystery Of The Night

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I was in a dark room. There were no lights or windows. I tried opening my eyes but they felt like bricks crushing my head. I was blindfolded.

I screamed out for anybody to help me, but no one came. I heard a faint voice coming from the dark abyss.

"What do you want from me?!" I screamed in both terror and confusion.

"Give me what belongs to me, Y/N"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know.."
The figure approached and kicked me. I cried out in pain.

"Just give me it, and you will be left unharmed!"

The figure threw a punch at my head. I screeched, hoping anyone would come.

"Hero's don't exi-"

The figures voice was interrupted by a deep voice escaping from the shadows

"I think otherwise"

I could hear punches being thrown at each other. Cries from my capturer echoed throughout the room. I heard a slam that vibrated the floor.

Footsteps came towards me, but no voice followed. Fear took over my body as I braced for impact.

"Are you alright Y/N?"

I was relieved, but terrified on how this man knew my name.

"Who are you?"

"That matters not"

He took off my blindfold. He was a man with a purple hood and a black mask. An M was marked across his shirt.

"Are you hurt?" He questioned again.

"I'm f-fine"

I stumbled as he untied the ropes that pinned me to the metal pole. He caught me before I could fall.

"Your injured" he said as he inspected my eye and leg. A gash about 6 inches long ripped across my leg.


"S-s-sorry" he seemed startled at the fact that he accidentally hurt me.

"We need to get you home, where do you live?"

"Sorry, i know you saved me and all but I don't know you.. I'll be fine on my own"

I tried walking on my leg, I almost fell but caught myself. I agreed to his offer. He lifted me off the ground. I gave him my address. He carried me to my house. I told him I'd be fine from here.

I turned around to thank him, but he was gone. I walked up to my room, closed my eyes, and drifted off.

The room was filled with thick black smoke. I struggled to breath as I fell to the ground. I coughed, gasping for any air I could get. I screamed out for help and i crawled across the floor. The walls were fire. Everything was fire.

A burst of flame burst in front of me I screamed and cried.

"Help! Please! Anybody! Somebody help!"

When all hope was lost, i saw him.
He took me by the hand and held me tight.

"I don't believe we have been properly introduced, my lady.

I looked up at him, comported, besides for the flames that surrounded us.

"My Name Is......."

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now