9- The Battle Part 2

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  We made our way to General Disarray, watching our backs as we progressed further down the dark road. Mysterion held my hand as we walked, I felt better knowing he was gonna fight by my side. We finally arrived. We hid behind a building as we watched the giant robotic General still search for Mysterion and I.

"Remember the plan guys, Human kite you should start to scout from above. Signal us if you see a weak point."

"Already on it, Mysterion"

  Mysterion turned to the rest of the gang, "Follow my lead,"

  They nodded in agreement as Mysterion made a welcoming appearance.

"Hey, looking for me?"

  We watched as General chased Mysterion around in circles. I looked at Human kite up above, he was still scouting, Crap.

"Enough standing around, let's go!" The coon began to lead the rest of the friends out into the action, they're abandoning the plan!

"Guys, what about the plan!"

"We'll make up a new one,"

  Ugh, boys. You can't compete with them! Well you know what they say, if you can't beat em, join em! I glanced up at Human Kite, he was trying to signal Mysterion, I ran over to him.

"Mysterion, Hu-"

"What happened to the plan? It's all falling apart!"

   A smack of a robotic fist separated us as I dodged. Do I have to do everything by myself? Fast Pass, The Coon, Mosquito and Toolshed began to attack from behind, throwing all they could at the giant piece of scrap metal, but it wasn't working. Nothing was. We needed the weak point, if they weren't going to pay attention, then I will.

  I crawled away from the scene, I whistled at Human Kite, he looked at me surprised. It was like he was looking for anybody except me. He didn't hesitate though, since I was the only one that noticed his signal. He pointed to General Disarray's neck. I took a better look at it and noticed the dent in his robot armour. Just then, He swung his giant hand and knocked Human Kite out of the air. I took out a radio that Mysterion gave me before we left.

"Human Kite is hit! He's down!"

Mosquito replied, "On it Phantom!"

  I watched him rush off toward the direction where Human Kite landed. I took out my radio again.

"Fast pass! I need you to bring this bot to the ground! I need to reach his neck!"

"G-G-G-Got it!"

  I rushed toward the boys, they were all trying to take General down. I went over to Mysterion and told him the weak point. A sudden flash of red spread across the ground. Fast pass had found a rope.

  General Disarray's metal legs were being tied up as we speak. He tried to walk and soon fell over. I began to climb up as he shook and tried to stand.

"Toolshed, hammer!"

  Toolshed threw me his hammer. I caught it mid air as I slammed it down on Generals metal neck. It cracked and popped open, revealing wires. I ripped them out as the robotic suit malfunctioned and shut down. General Disarray popped the glass open and began to ran. Mysterion and I ran after him and tackled him to the ground.

"Where is Professor Chaos!" Mysterion demanded

He squirmed, but we held him down.

"I'll never tell the likes of you!"

  I let my guard down for 1 second, his left hand got out of my grasp as he revealed a silver blade and made a slit on my hand. I screeched in pain. Around the cut began to turn a light shade of speckled green and purple. It spread up my arm, my burn disappeared. Mysterion snatched me away from him and held me close. He let General go.

"Professor had a plan for you with that burn, but you proved yourself to powerful for the likes of that. But it didn't take him long to come up with another way to torture you. Now just in hours, You'll be working for him, as a SLAVE."

I clenched my palm in agony.

"See you on our side, Y/N"

  He disappeared into the night. The colour in my skin began to fade as the darkness spread up my arm. I cried out in pain.

"Y/N it's gonna be okay! I won't let him take you away from me!"

  My voice began to fade in and out as I spoke, the darkness stopped at my forearm, for now. He grabbed my head and pushed it on his lap as he kept his hand on my head. I heard everybody walk over. I felt light headed, my vision was blurry. A sudden rush of pain echoed in my head as I screamed.

"MySTerION, HElp mE"

Thank you for reading! Positive comments keep me motivated to write more chapters! Votes are always appreciated as well!

A/N holy poops! What's gonna happen! Stay tuned my peeps! Btw, any suggestions for this series? And maybe if you wanna sequel.... spam me some sequel comments down below for when I finish the book! It's gonna get a lot more interesting now that Chaos is gonna be officially apart of the plot.

Crap, I said to much.

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now