4- The nightmare

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    That night after I got home from my romantic walk with Mysterion, I decided to get working on my outfit. I pulled out my sewing machine from the darkness of my attic. I carried it down to my room and laid it on my desk. I brushed the dust off and plugged it in. It took a few seconds for it to kick in but it did work. I went to my closet to get some old fabric I bought a few years ago, like the sewing machine it was dusty as well. I laid the purple fabric on the sewing machine and began sewing it all together.
      It took me 2 hours to make the outfit the way I liked it. It was a purple dress that came down to my knees that had a hood attached along with sleeves that were naked on the shoulders.
Now I just had to see if it fit. To be honest if it didn't I'd be pretty pissed. I took off my clothes and tried it on. It was the perfect size. I took it off again and hid it in a chest under my bed. I found an old combination lock and locked it. I put on my pjs, pulled back the covers and went to bed.

     I was back in that room again. The walls were fire and the roof was too. I was on the floor, I couldn't move. The floor began to crack beneath me, lava started to spout up through. "I have to wake myself up!" I tried slapping myself, pulling on my hair, anything that could wake me up. But unlike last time, I don't think this was just a dream.

It was a nightmare.

  I screamed out for anybody, I screamed in general. Sparks flew through the sky as more lava spewed up out of the floor, I was stuck, unable to move. Shocked in fear. I heard a familiar voice.

"Your lover can't save you now"

I woke up. My heart was beating out of my chest. I struggled to breath as I sat up. It was 3:46 AM.

"Ahhh!" A zip of pain trickled down my arm. I looked at my arm and there was a... burn?!
"What the..." I slid my hand over it and flinched. It was a pretty bad burn. How the frick did I get a burn form a dream? I was pretty concerned, I wanted to go find mysterion, but it was past midnight and he was probably sleeping. I just had to wait till morning. I covered up in my blankets and tried to go back to sleep.

Kenny's POV

I woke up to my sister screaming into my ear.

"Kenny! It's time for school! Mom wants you to bring me to the bus stop early!"

I replied with a "Okay Karen" and went back to sleep. The next time I woke up the blankets weren't on my bed anymore. "Kenny!"

"All right, all right" I got up and shooed Karen out of my room while I changed my clothes. I went down stairs to get Karen and I some Cheerios while my parents bickered back to one another.

"We barely have enough money to feed the children Stuart! And all you do is sit on your damn ass all day!"

"You should be talking! You don't even have a job! You lazy little-"

I plugged Karen's ears as I took in the argument my parents were having. I poured milk into my Cheerios, along with Karen's. We scoffed them all down before 8:00 struck on our broken clock.

"Go brush you teeth Karen"


I went to get my school bag and all my supplies. I approached the fridge to get some dinner for myself but... the fridge was completely empty. This wasn't anything new, sometimes I've gone days without food in this house. I went to brush my teeth when Karen came out of the bathroom.

We scurried down to the porch and put on our shoes. Karen said goodbye to mom and dad but they were too busy arguing to notice that we had even left the house. We walked up the street until we came to a traffic jam. Cars were all stopped in the middle of the streets. We came to the crosswalk and I stopped to tie my shoe.

"Don't go across without me, okay?"

She nodded as she stood there and waited for me to finish tying my shoe. I got up to see my sister going across the walkway, up the road a car was speeding, heading straight for my sister.

"Karen get out of the way!"

She couldn't hear me over the angry people's horns emerging from their cars. I dove into the streets and pushed Karen out of the way. She hurried onto the sidewalk.


The speedy driver zipped up the streets, out of no where Y/N dove into the road and tugged me out of the way. She landed on top of me. Her eyes bolded as she tumbled off of me.

"Oh my god, are you okay! What were you thinking!"

I was moving my lips, but nothing came out. Karen came across the street again and kneeled down.

"You saved me big brother"

She squeezed me tight then let go. Y/N had a shocked look on her face, she held out her hand as I took it and got to my feet.

"You scared me"

I reassured her that I was fine but she wasn't convinced.

"Do you have any scrapes? Did you hit your head?"

"Y/N I'm fine, I promise"

She looked at the time on her watch. "Crap, were gonna miss the bus!"

We rushed to the bus stop, hoping they hadn't left yet. I saw the gang still standing there, they saw me too. The bus just arrived. Cartman got on and went straight for a seat while Stan and Kyle told the driver that we were coming.

"I ain't wait'n fer nobody!"

We slowed down as the bus drove away. Karen looked up at both me and Y/N.

"Well, I guess we're walking to school.."

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now