17- What Happens Now? Part 2

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A/n I thought this song suited this chapter.

Call Girls POV

"Well, Isn't this just lovely? All of the gang here together, oops, all besides one.."

I watched as mysterion's face slowly turned turned fiery red.


"What do I want? I just want you to suffer.."

Chaos grinned as Mysterion clenched his fist

"And now you will suffer.."

  He looked over to the side as the figure of a shadow reflected off of the ground. The clicking of high heels echoed in the night as bright red reflected off of the metal on the water tower.


  My hair swayed in the wind as I entered. I was the absolute definition of perfection. My love, chaos beckoned me over to him. I grasped on to his waste and rested my head on his cuddly shoulder. I gazed over at our guests. I rolled my eyes.

"Baby when are we actually gonna do something that's worth our time?"

"Oh this will be worth your time sweetheart"

"Y/N!" Mysterion cried out, "Its me! Don't believe him, your not in love with him!"

"Oh shut up! You don't even know what love is!" I yelled back

  Tears were forming in his eyes. That stupid call girl spoke up, "Y/N! This isn't you! Your not my best friend that I shared my deepest secrets with, who would stay up with me all night if I were upset, who I had sleepovers with every other weekend!"

  I rolled my eyes, I don't even know these inconsiderate people, besides for Mysterion who tried to take me away from my one and only love!

"Wait, why is Y/N's ey-e-e-eye-eye-ey, socket red?" Trembled fast pass.

All eyes were on me now.

"Oh yes, I forgot to mention. Once my lovely Y/n's eyes turn fully red, she will be mine.


"NO!" Mysterion yelled. I watched as his ropes fall to the ground, he rushed towards me. I screamed as he took me to the ground. His lips met mine. I pushed him away with all my might but his hands would not leave my waist, and his lips wouldn't leave mine. It was all coming back now.. I remember..


"How would you like to be my sidekick?"


"Trust me Phantom, I wouldn't let anything happen to you, don't you trust me?"


"Y/N it's gonna be okay! I won't let him take you away from me!"

End of Flashback

"MYSTERION!" I jumped onto him and kissed back, my hands gripping onto his cheeks, "I'm so so sorry... I didn't mean to.. I didn't want to" tears ran down my face. He just kept hugging me. "I felt so alone, i didn't know who you were.. I-I.."

He pulled me tight against his chest and tilted my head up. His lips pressed against mine

"You will never be alone ever again Y/N, I will always come back no matter what"

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now