18- Is This, The End?

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  I slid across the pavement, burning my knees, but I didn't care. All I cared about was laying right in front of me.

"Mysterion! Wake up! Please wake up!"

  I turned him onto his side, his eyes were shut.
I heard a silent noise, a quick glimpse of yellow flashed across my eye as fast pass soon crouched next to me.

"Oh-o-oh n-no" he quivered as he leaned down next to my love.

  He removed his glove and stuck out his pointer and middle finger and stuck them together. He lowered his hand to Mysterions neck. I awaited in agony for his reply.

He turned to me.

And shook his head.

  I burst into tears, screeching as I fell into his chest, he was gone. It was all gone! everything I had was g-gone..

  The sun began to rise, daylight day upon us,  sun shining into Mysterions beautiful pale face as I held him in my arms. By the time the sun had fully risen, the rest of the crew had finally gotten down where we lay.

"Oh no!" Call girl winced as she buried her face into tool shed's chest.

  We all turned into a big puddle, hugging one another as tears rained down onto the grey ash fault.

  I wiped a running tear off of my cheek, "this is all my fault! I'm sorry! If we hadn't met you would have still been alive! I'm s-sorry. I'm so sorry.."

  I leant down and kissed him on the lips one last time, before walking away, and falling into everyone's arms, a waterfall of tears flowing down my pale freckled face.


  I flashed my head up, Mysterion jolted upward gasping for air.

"MYSTERION!!" I gasped, instantly throwing myself into him. "YOUR ALIVE!"

"Ofcorse I am, why would you- oh." He gazed up at all the wet faces around him. They all instantly lit up and bounced toward us.

"Oh Mysterion! You scared me!" Call girl erupted, hugging him instantly.

"You all know I'm invincible" he smirked

"Yeah right, you big dork" i teased

"Yeah dude, don't every do that to us again" toolshed expressed, "you almo-"

"CANNONBALL!" The Coon screamed as he jumped up and plopped onto Mysterions stomach.

"DAMMIT FATASS" Mysterion shouted, "Can't You be Sincere for ONCE?"

"Not a chance" he replied "So enough sobbing, where's chaos?"

  We all looked at each other. "Human kite I thought you had him!" Call girl expressed.

  A sudden bang echoed as Chaos coincidentally fell from the water tower stairs and onto the pavement, half knocked out.

"Hah! I t-told you i was g-go-going to beat Coon and Friends!" He stumbled toward us.

"Why you little-" I walked over to the little twit, raised my leg, swung and-

"Snookems! Dinner is ready"


"Eric, it's time for your little friends to go home now."

"Fine! Guys you have to go home now, my lame mom said so."

"Awwwww" we all said as we took our paper mâché costumes off.

  I helped butters up off of the ground. "That was fun!" I told him.

"Y-yeah it was! Your a really good superhero Y/n! Golly, my mom probably has dinner ready, I should get going. Bye Y/n! Bye Cartman, thanks for inviting me to play with you guys"

  I waved goodbye to Butters, now to think of it, my mom probably is waiting for me as well. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Hey Y/N" the boy twiddled his thumbs. "I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over to my house tomorrow after school?"

"Sure Kenny! I am your 'girlfriend' after all!" I teased

He blushed, "c-cool! I'll see your tomorrow then?"

"Tomorrow" i said, as I walked down the street, fading from view.

The end.

Or is it?

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now