15- Identity

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Call Girls POV

  I swerved down a pathway as that black haired jerk ran after me.

"You can't run forever!" He yelled after me

"Probably not, but I can try!"

  I ran through a grassy field and jumped over a fence. I rushed towards the pavement but stepped in a mud puddle. "Come on! I just washed this yesterday!" I shook my leg and continued running.

  I watched the black haired boy jump the fence, but his T-shirt got caught in it. He ripped it free and continued to chase me. A look of fury spread across his face as I ran off.

  Not soon after, I saw him catch up to me.

"You won't give up will you!?" I yelled at him

"Well, maybe for now." And with that, he stopped in his place, and watched me run down an alleyway.

"Finally" I thought to myself as I began to slow down to a soft jog. I let my guard down as I paced up the sidewalk.

"Just kidding" I heard a voice say just before the owner turned the corner and jumped on me, pushing me against the sidewalk.

"Now, who do you work for!"

"I already told you, hotshot! I work for myself, alone"

"We'll see about that." His hand drew closer to my face, aiming for my mask. I grabbed his hand and flipped him over, now I was the alpha.

"Or will we?"

  I ripped his yellow tinted glasses off of his face, and I froze.



I just, stood there staring at him. I can't believe I called my crush, a jerk. I was speechless, I didn't know how to respond, so I reached for my face and began to peel my mask off. I threw it onto the cold cement.

He starred at me in awe, "W-wen, Wendy y-you? I mean, your Wendy?"

I started at my feet. "Ar-Are you disappointed it was me?"

I watched as he stood up and stepped forward. His hand found his way to my chin as he tilted my head up. His lips pressed against mine. He put his hand on my head, messing my hair up a bit, I wrapped my hands around his waist. We both pulled away.

"Of corse not"

He pulled me close against his chest as we shared another kiss, "So, whats up with the frozen reactions at school whenever we talk?"

He scratched his head, "heh, well. It's just, I've had a crush on you for, well, a while. I guess I just got really n-nervous"

"I had a crush on you too Stan, for a while actually, Heh"

We both laughed awkwardly, the street lamp began to flicker. Stan and I both looked up as it blowed. I reached for my mask and quickly put it on, as did Stan as he grabbed his glasses.

A shadow emerged from the same corner that Stan came from, and then another, and another. 5 shadows were lined up around the corner.

"Stay back Wen- Call Girl!"

I stepped back, suddenly a cloth was put against my mouth and somebody grabbed me by the waist.


Stan turned around, "WENDY!" He started to run after me, I saw 5 men turn the corner where the shadows were. I started to drift off, I struggled to move my mouth around, trying to lower the cloth that was now tied around my face as I was being dragged backwards by the man. I shifted my mouth until the cloth finally dropped.

"S-Stan-" I mumbled with the last word I could get out before I drifted off, "be-behind, yo-yo-you!"
But I was too late, the figures grabbed stan, and that's the last thing I saw before my head dropped, and I was hoisted over the mans back.

Thank you for reading! Positive comments keep me motivated to write more chapters! Votes are always appreciated as well!

And as always,

Wear your seatbelt.

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now