6- Abductor

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    As day turned into night, the burn still lived. It was still bright red. I tried to treat it, but nothing worked, I started to fear going to sleep tonight. So I wasn't going to. I took out the chest form in under my bed and put in the combination. I opened up the chest and took out my suit. I put it on and took a pillow from my bed. I stuffed the pillow underneath the blankets to look like I was in bed sleeping, hopefully my parents will fall for it.

I ran over to the light switch and quickly turned it off. I rushed back over to the window, cranked it open and jumped out. I slid down the cherry tree outside my house and headed for the park. I hoped that Mysterion would come if I wait there, he always does.

I crossed the empty streets and headed to the park. Only every now and then I'd see a passing car. I was almost to the park when a black van passed. A little girl rolled down the window and screamed. "HELP ME!"

I watched as the car drove off, I quickly ran towards it. I ran as fast as I could, soon by my side was none other then, Mysterion.

"Who are you?"

I shook my head.

"You don't know who I am?"

I lifted up a section of my mask

"Oh, nice suit, it really brings out your-"

"No time for flirting hotshot, we have a problem"

He looked down

"Why are we running toward this car anyway?"

"I think that girl has been abducted, she rolled down the window and screamed at me when I was walking."

"It won't be a problem for Mysterion and..."


"Wow, that name is almost as great as mine"

  I glared at him. He chuckled.

"You can call me Y/N when nobody's around, or babe"

"Alright babe"

   We were catching up with the car, the car was going back and fourth across the road trying to loose us, but we kept up. The child's screams were constant now.

"Let me throw you on top of the car!"

"Are you kidding me! I could fall off or anything!"

"Trust me Phantom, I wouldn't let that happen to you. Don't you trust me?"

"Of corse I trust you Mysterion! But, I'm just.. Scared"

"The only thing you have to fear, is fear itself"

I hesitated but agreed

"Okay, I'm ready"

He took me into his arms.




   He threw me on top of the car. The driver must have notice because he picked up the speed and tried to shake me off. I looked back, Mysterion was drifting further.


"I'll catch up! I promise!"

   I grabbed onto the to of the car and peeked my head down to the window.

"Roll down the window!"

The little girl rolled down her window.

"Take my hand!"

   She grabbed my hand and clenched it tightly.

"Oh no you don't!"

  One of the men in the car grabbed holt of her leg. I quickly tugged her up to the roof. Her face was drenched in tears. I car made a sharp turn, we were barely on the car.

   A man crawled through the window and onto the roof. I swung my foot and knocked him off the car. The driver took a left turn. The little girl fell of the car. I grabbed her hand. I swung off the car. I grabbed the on to the very edge.

    The girls feet grazed the rocky pavement. She screamed

"It's okay! Your gonna be fine!"

    She calmed down. Mysterion caught up to the car and came to its side.

"Phantom, you need to let the girl go! I'll catch her!"

  The girl screamed even louder, her tears poured out like rain.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright."

  She nodded her head.

  I let her go. Mysterion caught her. He kept up with the car, the little girl still in his arms.

"Now it's your turn!"


  I got ready to jump, I counted down. I car took a sharp turn as I fell off.


   My head bashed off the sidewalk. The car drove off. My vision was getting blurry. I saw Mysterion rush over to me. The little girl was by her side.

"Stay with me!"

"Snap ou-"

Everything went black.

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now