5- Problems

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We walked to school, and of corse we were late. It took us a solid half hour to get there. Mr. Garrison send us to the councillors office to get late Slips. I don't know why we were at the councillors office getting these but I didn't really care. Karen still looked a little traumatized after what went on this morning. I gave her a reassuring smile and she smiled back. Kenny and I waked Karen to her classroom and soon went back to ours. We gave Mr. Garrison our Slips and watched as he tore them up and threw them away. The whole time Cartman was throwing paper balls at Kenny, it's like there in some secret battle or something. Cartman snickered each time he threw one, until Kenny snapped.
"Stop throwing damn paper balls at me fat ass!"

Cartman stood up.

"Don't call me fat you Jew! Wait, your not Kyle, don't call me fat you poor homeless freak!"

Mr. Garrison got out of his desk.

"Boys! Both of you go to Mr. Mackeys office this instant!"

"No! you old piece of shit teacher!"

"What did you just say Cartman!"

Cartman went up to Mr. Garrisons face

"I'm sorry Mr. Garrison, what I meant to say was, YOUR A PIECE OF DOG SHIT!"

Mr. Garrison stood shocked.

"Holy shit dude" both Stan and I said. "Jinx!"

I went to find a table in the cafeteria, they were selling hotdogs there today. I walked up to the stand and gave the lady my two dollars. She handed me a hotdog.

"May I have some ketchup please?"

She looked at me, disgusted.

"Do I look like I give out free ketchup?"

"Well you are selling hotdo-"

"Get some yourself, dweeb"

I scurried back to my table and laid my tray on the cold countertop. I wasn't the most popular kid in school, I wasn't on the cheerleading team, I didn't play sports like everybody else. I usually kept to myself. One of my good friends though was Wendy. She was the nicest out of all the other girls in the school. She approached me and sat down at my table.

"Hey Y/N! What's up?"

"Oh hey Wendy! Not much, how about yourself?"

"Well, stan talked to me today, but he wasn't really talking, it was like, weird"

Stan was my good friend too, he has a huge crush on Wendy, I tell him to talk to her but he can't even say hello. He keeps asking me to put in a good word for him and of coarse I keep doing it, because that's what friends are for.

"Oh yeah! That's because he has a sore throat, he's been really sick ever since he went to the animal shelter to donate to his favourite puppy."

She glared at me in awe.

"Oh really! That's so sweet of Stan! He really seems like a nice guy"

"Yeah! Maybe you guys should hang out some time!"

"You mean.. like a date?"

"Well that's up to you Wendy, I'm sure Stan would love it!"

"Wow! Thanks Y/N! I'll do it tomorrow, maybe he'll be better by then"

She got up and skipped away, it's almost like she was asking for love advice. I think I might need some myself, with everything that was going on in my life now. I lifted up my sleeve to look at the burn. It lit up bright red and every time I touched it, it ached. I saw Kenny approach my table.

"Hey Kenny! How did it go?"

He came and sat down, he removed his hood, exposing his face.

"Not To well, Mr. Mackey blamed it all on me, I guess Cartman sob story actually worked, I'm suspended."

"What the hell? You didn't even do anything wrong!"

"I know, but Cartman says otherwise.. anyway I came to tell you that, I'll be back in two days, I hope"

He began to walk away from the table.

"I'll see you then, Y/N"

   He winked at me. Well that wasn't.. weird. I finished eating my hotdog when Butters walked into the cafeteria. My burn lit up in flames it was so hot. It send pains throughout my body as he went to sit at a table with Clyde, Token and Cartman. Before he sat down he waved at me.

"Heya Y/N!"

I waved back, the pain flared, I rushed out of the room.

"Hey! You can't leave until lunch is over!"

  The obnoxious red headed hall monitors chased after me as I exited school property. The pain slowly died down as I rushed back to my house. On the way back I passed Kenny.

"Y/N what are y-"

"Can't talk, in a rush sorry!"

  I ran up to my doorstep, thankfully my parents were at work. I slid into my bed. I wasn't sure of a lot lately, but I was sure of one thing.

There is more to South Park than I expected

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