16- What Happens Now? Part 1

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Mysterions POV

My eyes fluttered as I struggled to open them. My vision was blurred, I could barely see what was in front of me. I regained my vision and struggled to move my body. I was tied to a chair and my hands were tied together. I was sitting outdoors, the cool breeze of the night sky crept onto my shoulders as a shiver spread down my spine. I recognized this place, The Water Tower. I heard a sudden groan beside me.

"Ah dammit my head, f-"

"Cartman? You have to be kidding me,"

"What? No 'oh hey Cartman are you okay? What happened to you Cartman?' Asshole.." he mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

  I tried to look over his 'Big boned' exterior, only to see the rest of the guys.. and Call Girl? They were all tied down to a chair same as I was.

"Call Girl, is that you?"

  I heard a high pitched moan as she removed her limping head off of Stan's shoulder. "My-Mysterion?"

  It was her, "Hey, are we all here?"

I heard everyone's reply, all but one.. Y/N.

I growled, "Show yourself Chaos! Face me man to man!"

Professor Chaos's POV

  I watched their pathetic little faces pout through the camera screen, I observed as their weak little bodies squirmed and kicked and whined, looking for anyway to escape. One trying more than the rest, hoping, wishing, begging to see his precious Y/N. I can't wait to see his puny pathetic little heart break when he sees his little Y/N now.

My Y/N

"Is everything okay my love?"

  I came out of my day dream and looked over at Y/N, "Everything is just fine, everything is going as planned."

  She starred down at the screen, her eyes grew with fury as she gazed at Mysterion with more hatred, more disgust than she has ever felt before. The potion was taking a deeper effect than I expected, and soon, when her eyes turn red, the potion will be permanent.

"Is it time, my one and only?"

I grinned, "Yes, I believe it is"

  I straightened my tie as I linked arms with Y/N. Her bright red dress sparkled as we walked down the dark hallway. And so did her now one red eye.

Mysterions POV

  I tried to wiggle my hands around to untie myself but it was no use. These knots were too tight to wriggle my fingers into. I huffed, frustrated. I just needed to see Y/N, I needed to make sure she was okay..

"Wait.." Call Girl said "I think I might have something"

She managed to use her fingertips to grab something out of her back pocket.

"What is that?" I questioned, giving her a strange glare.

"A charger"

"A charger.. how is a charger going to help us in this situation?"

"Well you see, it's not just any charger, it's equipped with-" she pressed a button and something popped up "a knife"

  She began to cut away at the rope that was tying her hands together. After a couple minutes the rope fell to the ground. She quickly untied the rope around her waist. Stan stared at her amazed. He was also.. blushing.

  She rushed over to me and began to cut the rope around my hands, when the rope fell she passed the phone charger to Cartman.

"Wait!" Cartman exclaimed as he barely cut through his rope, "Someone's coming, quick! Lay your ropes around your waist"

  Both Call Girl and I did what Cartman said, I listened closely and I heard foot steps grow nearer and nearer. I heard a door open as a shadow emitted from it.

"Well well we'll, look who finally bested the South Park protector Mysterion"

To be continued

A/n HmMMMMmmMmMMM, whAts gOnna happEn, I kNow bUt yOu doNt hAhHa!
(Comment what you thinks gonna happen)

Thank you for reading! Positive comments keep me motivated to write more chapters! Votes are always appreciated as well!

And as always,

Wear your seatbelt.

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now