13- The Water Tower

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Mysterion's POV

I rushed down the street, running as fast as I could. I told The Coon to bring Chaos's minion back to the lair. I couldn't bare to think about what he said.

'Once he's done with her, she'll never remember what you two had together'

My eyes flashed with fury, Mosquito came to my side as I dashed around a sharp corner.

"Dude, I'm sure she's fine. She's a tough girl you know."

I rolled my eyes and I ran faster, "You lay a finger on her Clyde, I skin you."

He backed off a bit, "Jeez, maybe I'll consider"

I gave him an evil glare and sped along the empty street. I came to the alleyway where I first rescued Y/N. I kicked over the trash can, leaving a giant dent. The crew caught up to me as I didn't hesitate to crawl into the small tunnel. And as expected, I was greeted by General disarray.

"You'll never see your precious-"

He didn't finished his sentence before I kicked him where the sun don't shine. He fell to the ground as I kicked him again with the toe of my steel toed boots. I picked him up by the collar of his shirt.

"Now are you going to be a good boy and tell me where she is, or are you going to be stubborn and live to see the consequences, and I'll tell you now, it's not going to be pretty."

Professor Chaos's POV

I took my new sweetheart to what I call 'The Action Point'. Nobody but General and I knew where this was. My plan is almost complete. With Y/N Where I want her, my plan could finally go into action.

"Babe, when are we gonna do something fun?"

I looked back at Y/N, "Actually, what do you say we have some fun with Coon and friends?"

"I thought you'd never ask."

"Here, put this on, make yourself pretty."

I handed her a red sparkly dress, I was wearing my best tuxedo.

"Ooo, what's the occasion babe?"

"We've got a battle ahead of us my queen, there's a certain member you have encountered before, that's going to try to separate-"


"That's right, don't give in to his foolishness my queen of darkness"

"Nothing will stand in our way of happiness.."

Mysterion's POV

  I kicked general once more as Toolshed Locked him up with one of the other minions.

"Tell us where she is dude!" Kyle wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I'd never betray Chaos's trust!"

I punched him in the gut, "TELL ME, NOW!"


  A glimpse of white flashed across my eyes as a tiny slip of paper fell to the ground, i reached though the cage and picked it up off of the ground, General kicked my hand.


  General disarray kicked and squirmed inside the small cage. I rolled my eyes and began to read the paper out loud, "It's all going down on Monday, at The top of the water tower. By the time of Saturday, at exactly 12:49 all will be where it should be.."

"That was yesterday dude!" Kyle glanced at the message.

"I have Y/N right where I want her General, make sure the potion is ready.."

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