14- Distractions

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Human Kite/Kyle's POV

I watched from above as the others rushed down the street. They thought it would be best if I scouted from above, just incase there was something strange going on. I don't know what Chaos has planned, but it's not going to be pretty. Y/N is in for a rough ride. I looked down , scouting out the horizon when I spotted something, strange. I soared down to the pavement and caught up with Cartman.

"There's two figures headed toward the water tower, I can't pick them out, they might be more of chaos's minions."

"I see, Well, we'll catch up with them and get them while they're distracted. Now get back up there and keep a look out kite."

"Fat ass" I mumbled under my breath.


I laughed at his attempt to punch me, he missed as I soared back into the air. I kept a good eye on those two figures.

Mysterions POV

"This way" Call girl and I made a turn down the street.

"So, Who's your friend that needs saving anyway?"

She turned and glanced at me, "How do I know I can't trust you?" She smirked

I laughed at her mockery "Haha, very funny."

A sudden glimpse of light flashed across my dull eye. I looked over toward a nearby bush. It was a purple, something. I needed to get a closer look.

"Stay here and keep watch, I'll be right back"

I vanished out into the bushes, I heard her call out, "Hey where are you going!"

The Coon/Cartmans POV

I flipped Kyle off as he flew up into the air again, as soon as this is over I am so getting him back. We approached a building. I gave a sign to the others that there was an intruder. We all leaned against the brick wall. I peaked over, there was only one figure now..

"Okay, on 3-"

"3" Human kite had just flown down, everybody rushed toward the figure.


Kyle smirked and joined the rest of the group, I ran in, "ATTACK!"

Call Girls POV

I rolled my eyes as I watched Mysterion vanish into the bushes. "Men" I mumbled to myself as I walked over to a nearby building and leaned against it. I hummed to myself quietly. I heard a faint voice echo from behind a building across from me.

I approached the building slowly, suddenly a rush of people emitted from behind it followed by a yell, "ATTACK!"

"What the.."

A sudden realization came to my mind, they were chasing after me. And who they were didn't surprise me one bit, The Coon And Friends.

I sighed and went back to my wall and leaned against it like a badass.

The Coon approached me, "Who are you and who do you work for!"

"The names Call Girl, And I work for myself"


"Alright then"

I began to walk off.


I continued to walk away and flipped em all off, "Id like to see you try and catch me" I smirked

"Don't worry, I'll get her," I heard one of them say.

A boy with black hair and yellow safety glasses approached me, "Finally some excitement!"

And with that, it was like a dog chasing a cat, except the cat was much more intelligent then the dog.

Mysterions POV

I reached the bush that had caught my eye earlier. Caught up in the small branches was...Y/Ns mask?! I thought her suit was left at her place! I went to go pick it up when a rattle from the bush beside me alarmed me.

"Who's there?"

The rattling continued as the bush shook.

"Show yourself!"

The bush stopped shaking as a squirrel popped out. I sighed and turned around, back to the mask. I lowered my unsteady hand to go pick it up.

"We have you now Mysterion"

A cloth was put over my mouth as I struggled to get free. Two of chaos's minions appeared in front of me.

"Night night"

My vision blurred as I drifted off and fainted.

A/n I am so sorry this chapter took a while to be posted, I was having a bit of Writers block. That's my excuse for this chapter being really bad xD.

Thank you for reading! Positive comments keep me motivated to write more chapters! Votes are always appreciated as well!

And as always,

Wear your seatbelt.

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now