7- Waking Up

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   I woke up to a beeping noise. I struggled to sit up as I slowly opened my eyes. I was covered up in a blue sheet, you couldn't even call it a blanket. It was cold and colourless room, the walls were plain and blank.
   I turned to the side to find the source of the beeping, I was hooked up to a heart monitor, an IV was hooked into my arm. I realized I was in the place I hated most.

The Damn Hospital.

  I didn't have my suit on, instead it was replaced with a hospital gown. I heard chatting so I lid back down into the squeaky bed and pretended as through I was asleep.

    "She's in critical condition, were lucky she's alive!"

  The door opened and then shut itself again.

  "Who brought her here?"

  "Nobody knows, doctor, we found her on the floor in the main entrance. There's no way she brought herself here, we checked the cameras but the files had been deleted."

   "Does she have family?"

  "Yes she does, we heard her mother and father went on a trip for 3 weeks, we were unable to make contact"

   "She's been sleeping for almost 3 days now, when she wakes up she'll be able to go home. Any visitors are allowed entry now."

  The door closed. I've been sleeping for 3 days? What the hell have I been doing! I have to get out of here, and find my suit in what ever planet that's on. The door swung open again.

   "Oh good your up! You've been sleeping for a while! Would you like something to eat?"

  My stomach was grumbling at the thought of food.

  "Yes, please"

   "I'll go get you a bite to eat, hun"

   She left the room. A slight rumble echoed throughout the room. A banging emerged from the ceiling and escaped from the air vent. I looked up as the vent collapsed and dusty smoke came rushing out. I yelled out for help.

  Mysterion came out from the smoke. He had my suit in his hand.

"Come on! We have to go!"

"I can't leave! I have an IV!"

  "Y/N, Chaos knows your here! And your weak, we have to go!"

  I looked at the IV, pinched it, and took  it out.


  I shooed Mysterion away as I changed into my suit, my head still pained. Mysterion climbed into the vent, I took his hand and he pulled me up. Screams came from the hospital.

"Shit he's here! Hurry Y/N!"

  We hurried up the vent, Mysterion led the way as we came to an exit. He kicked the vent off and slid down onto the grass. I stumbled out I the vent. We rushed away from the hospital when I collapsed. A flash of flames flew across the grass. They disappeared as I grasped my arm in agony. The once small burn had grown, striking its roots up my arm. Mysterion quickly came to my side.

"Y/N What is that?!"

"I don't know yet, it just appea-"

  Gun shots blasted the windows of the hospital. I quickly got to my feet, we ran off into the distance. I could hear the screams of the poor helpless people, I couldn't just watch innocent people die.

I turned around and sprinted back.

  A bright flash lit up the hospital as bricks flew like birds in the air.


It exploded.

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now