12- The Queen Of Darkness

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A/n (hehehehe I left you on a cliff hanger last chapter don't be mad pls)


  Butters led me to a dark alley, it was strange but maybe he was doing it so the evil person from earlier couldn't find me. I can't believe I have a friend that cares so much about me, that would go out of his way to protect me. I feel bad that I don't remember him from before.. whatever made me lose my memory. At the end of the extremely long alleyway we reached a dead end, or so I thought it was a dead end.

"This way Y/N! Don't worry, those bad guys can't find us here. We used to hang out here before. It was our Secret Hideout, don't be afraid, I'm gonna Protect you from them"

  He grinned a happy smile at me as I smiled back in return, but something didn't feel right.

"Why do we have a hideout so far from home? And in a sketchy alleyway?"

"W-well.." He stumbled on his words, "Ever since you were younger, bad people have been trying to abduct you. So I made this place to Protect you."

  I nodded questionably, but there he was again with that word. Protect me? If he always was by my side I feel like I would remember him. There's some things in life you just don't forget. There's something about that guy, that was in my room. There's a feeling, theres something about him. When he was talking to me I felt nervous. Not nervous because I was scared, but nervous because-"

"Quickly Y/N! Through here!"

  He pointed to a small hole behind a steel garbage can. He took me by the hand and started to crawl inside. Through the hole was this whole entire.. I don't know how to describe it. I thought it was just be a little fort type thing but this was like a lair.

"Welcome back to our hideout Y/N! We basically grew up here together"

"We, we did?"

"Of corse we did! It was our thing!"

"It was?"

  I just wish I could remember, Something! Anything! This doesn't feel right. Butters gazed off into the distance at this, little dude. Actually there we a dozen of them that just came out of nowhere!

"Uh, Butters.."

"Don't worry Y/N! These are your old pals!"

  I glanced at all of them, they looked like little kids. One of them whispered something to Butters, I couldn't pick out what he was saying. The kid glanced at me and then back to Butters. Butters spoke up.

"Golly, Y/N I'll be back in a split second. There's something, I have to take care of"

"Um.. okay?"

  He rushed off with this kid as I took a seat in a chair that was lying in the middle of the room.

Butters POV

  I walked into a safe room with General Disarray. I locked the door just incase Y/N came to try and spy on us.

"How is it coming along, General"

"Very good Professor in fact it's almost complete, is Y/N buying it?"

  I sat down in a near by chair, "She acts like it, but I don't think so.."  I slammed my hand   onto the surface of the desk. "What does it take to torture this woman! Even with her memories gone she still looks like she doesn't believe me! She is the key, She is the ticket to my rulership"

I sat back done on the chair and rubbed my fingers against my temples.



"It's ready"


  I sat on the chair and pondered, twiddling my fingers as I waited for Butters return. There's something not right about this place, I think I need to get back to the safety of my home.

  Suddenly Butters came down the hallway and into the room I was in. I walked over to where he was standing.

"Gosh, sorry about that Y/N. One of our friends just informed me that Mysterion and his evil friends are coming here, but don't worry Y/N, we'll protect you from their grasp."

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Butters"

"Oh? What's wrong? Is something bothering you?"

  I turned toward him, "This whole thing is bothering me, there's something that doesn't feel right. I think it's better off if I just went back to my house."

  I rushed off back toward the tiny hole that permitted passage back to the alleyway, suddenly I was yanked backwards.

"Y/N wait!"

He starred into my eyes with an evil grin, "Maybe this will help you remember"

  He pinned me up against the wall and pushed his lips against mine. My eyes widened as the realization of him kissing me struck my mind. I remember now, all the memory's started to flow back into my mind. I kissed butters back, for he was my king..

And I was his Queen Of Darkness.

A/n Hahaha! I've done it again! You guys reading are left on yet another cliff hanger! What's gonna happen? Can Mysterion save you now? Or is it too late? Anyway, Thank you for reading! Positive comments keep me motivated to write more chapters! Votes are always appreciated as well!

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