11- A Bigger Problem

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Mysterion's POV

I rushed back toward the Coon Lair, jumping from building to building. I had to tell the guys that she had lost her memory, this could be really.. really bad. I jumped down onto the grass as the rain began to pour down onto my suit. The wind began to pick up as it rained harder. The clouds turned grey as they covered up the bright sun, lightning struck and thunder wasn't long after it. I finally reached the house as I rushed through the door, tracking mud onto the freshly polished flooring.

I opened the door to the basement and was greeted by the anxious team.

"How'd it go?" The Coon approched me in concern.

"We have a Big Problem, she..." I went and took a seat at the table as the boys stared at me curiously. "She doesn't remember, Anything"

A few gasps echoed around the small room, "Does she remember you, Mysterion?"

"No.. she doesn't even know that she's Phantom. She's venerable, it won't be long before Professor Chaos figures out word from his minions."

Toolshed looked toward me, "Wait, you know her identity? If you know, don't we deserve to know aswell?"

The others nodded in agreement. "This isn't the time.."

"Oh come on Mysterion! At a crisis like this it's only to protect her." Human kite walked forward.

I sighed. "She's..."

They leaned in closer.

"It's Y/N.."

Their eyes widened.

"Holy crap dude! Y/N!? Your dating Y/N?!"

"Jealous are you Kyle?"

He huffed, "No!"

"Now you all know, let's go before we're too late!"

I rushed up the staircase as the gang followed me out the door, the sky was now black. The rain poured harder then hail, lightning lit up the night sky. For some reason, I couldn't shake this bad feeling I had..

The Coon and Mosquito scouted ahead just incase any of Professor Chaos's minions showed up. We all rushed to Y/N's house, it was just down the street. Suddenly, Mosquito gave a signal. Minions were spotted, but they were right outside of Y/N's House.

We charged forward, they noticed us too because one of them entered the house in a panic. I thrusted at one of them as the other two scattered, running away like the cowards they are beneath the mask. I grabbed one and held him by the throat.

"What are you doing here!" I demanded an answer.

"Your too late lover boy."

He grinned a wide smile as he chuckled. I kicked him where the sun don't shine and threw him to the ground.

"Deal with him Coon."

I broke down the door and ran toward Y/N's room. I twisted the knob, it was locked. I thrusted my shoulder into the door and it came loose. I opened the door.

She was gone.

I fell to my knees. I was to late. I ran back to the front of the house and jammed one of his minions to the wet pavement.


"You'll never find her, your queen has a new hero"

"You see, that's where your wrong. I'll find her, I'll always find her"

Thank you for reading! Positive comments keep me motivated to write more chapters! Votes are always appreciated as well!

When Two Masks Meet (Mysterion x Female Reader)       |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now