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"Remove blue cap from pregnancy test, hold white end under urine stream - wait two to three minutes for results." Harry reads the box as we stand in the bathroom, my back leaning against the sink.

"Easy enough." I grab the box and open up the cardboard, taking out the stick out. I was actually feeling pretty normal taking this test, I wasn't freaking out at all. I noticed that this whole time of me opening this box though, Harry was still standing in the bathroom with me. I look up awkwardly to see him just standing there, waiting for me to proceed with the process.

"Uhm.. you can go now." I dart my eyes to the door.

"What? Why can't I stay?" He says in offence.

"You can come back after I pee." I chuckle.


"Harry I'm not letting you sit in here while I use the bathroom." I shake my head.

"So? I'm pretty sure I know you enough for you to pee in front of me." He shrugs like it's nothing.

"No Harry! Get out!" I reject yet again.

"So I can watch you push another human out of your body but I can sit over here as you piss on a stick?" He crosses his arms. It always bugs me that he is so comfortable with things that I'm not. I guess it's bittersweet.

"Okay you didn't actually see her come out of me, you just sat behind and held my hands!" I counter argue.

"Oh my god woman fine! Just call me back in when you're done being a shy pee freak." He rolls his eyes and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

"Thank you." I whisper to myself while looking back at the stick.

I bite my lip and take the blue cap off the end, undoing my pants and ready to do the deed. I didn't know how to feel in this moment - scared? Excited? I couldn't feel anything but monotone. I wasn't scared or excited, I was just ready to see the results and go from there.

I made sure to pee on the stick, putting the cap back on and soon washed my hands. The stick that was processing the results stayed on the counter top, blank. I knew that in the next few minutes it would either say pregnant or not pregnant.

I've always heard that this was the longest part, the wait. It was supposably what every girl hated. But I was surprisingly calm, shutting the toilet lid and sitting on it.

I heard three quiet knocks but no voice.

"Come in." I say.

The door opens and in come Harry meeting eyes with mine as he peeked his head in.

"The coast clear?" He says playfully.

"Yep, just waiting now." I chuckle.

He walks in the door with Briar in his right arm. She had bags under her eyes and a pacifier in her mouth - she must've just woke up from her two o'clock nap.

"Hi sweetheart." I smile as Harry shuts the door behind him and walks into the bathroom. I stand up and look at Briar blinking at me, holding her arms out for me to take her.

I grab her underarms and bring her to my chest. Her little head rests on my shoulder and her eyes shut, she still must be sleepy.

"So is it time?" He asks while sitting on the edge of the tub.

"Not yet," I shake my head, "I just took it."

"Okay, so now we wait." He says while his hands on his lap. I sit next to him with Briar, staring out into space while awaiting the two minutes.

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