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Harry Styles

"Mariah!" I yell through dark forest, shinning my flashlight. God she could be anywhere, these forests are deep.

"Mariah please! I won't hurt you, you need to answer me!" I say while hearing the sounds of branches and leaves snap below my steps. It was nearly a half past three in the morning and dawn wasn't going to approach for another three hours. She can't run out into this forests and expect she will find safety. She can die out here by getting lost. The cabin is the only thing out here for miles.

"Mariah!" I hear Niall's voice echo through the forests a far way away.

"Mariah!" I yell again, praying I hear her yell my name back.

I know she ran because she was scared, there's no doubt about it. I am very certain she woke up to the sounds of our arguing and came down to investigate. I'm not sure how much she heard, but even a snippet of our argument could've been enough for her to be scared of us. She could've heard me talking about killing Gene, she could've heard Amelia saying how Thomas and Sarah aren't our real names, she could've heard Amelia say I was apart of malignant; she could've heard it all.

She has a right to be scared.

But being scared might be what gets her killed, she can't be in these forests alone. There's wild animals, rivers, and the unknown.

"Mariah!" I shout again, crunching through the leaves as I heard the sounds of thunder.


All of this never would've happened if I didn't go kill Gene. Amelia was right, I've screwed this all up. I could've done anything else and it would have been a better decision then this one. And because I killed Gene, Amelia is infuriated and Mariah is terrified of me. I just made everything worse.

While walking through this dark forest, I couldn't help but think about how much of a screw up I've been to this family, and how much I've changed Amelia's life. Everything she yelled at me about was true, and I couldn't stop replaying it in my head. She doesn't deserve to have arguments like this, arguments that run the subject of me killing people. What if she never had to deal with any of this?

"Mariah! I'm not going to hurt you! Please!" I shout through the trees.

No perspective

As Harry searched the depths of the dark cold forest, he couldn't help but imagine if things were different and if Amelia didn't live in his messed up world - dealing with his messed up issues. What if they never met? What if Amelia never came back to that classroom to grab that MP3 player?

Certain moments in time can change ones life forever. One simple decision like going back to grab an MP3 player could alter someone's destiny for the rest of existence. The hard thing about this is that there's always the question of 'what if?'

What if Harry never captured Amelia that day?


September 3rd 2023
Riverdell Catholic High School

Amelia Adams

"Attention Riverdell Students, we need everyone to evacuate their classes and make way to the gym for a code red lockdown. This is not a drill," The monotone voice comes on the speaker and I feel my spine shiver.

"Okay class we need to proceed to the gym," Ms. Freeman has a frantic look in her eyes.

"What's going on?" A girl named Emma shouts.

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