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play these wind chimers for background to enhance your reading experience:)

Harry Styles

I felt warmth, warmth crawling across my skin like the sun on a hot day. I heard peace, the peaceful sounds of wind chimers ever so softly tapping from the gentle breeze that was cascading across my face, feeling my hair softly blow back. My breathing was calm and unrushed, almost like every inhale was filled with the impossible power of strength and every exhale was a surrender to reconciliations. The scent of some sort of flower variety was all I could smell, it was pleasant.

I opened my eyes, letting the light into my vision. Surrounding me was a mural of colours, flowers to be more specific. I was in a garden, a garden that was planted in a large circle with a path at the end. The sunlight was bouncing off the vibrant colours of the flower petals, making them almost glow. I looked down to see I was sat at a black steel circular table that had swirled design embellishments all on it. My arms which were on the table were glowing very slightly but enough for me to notice. I felt light as a feather, warm like the sun was accommodating  just for me. I had a white t-shirt on and black jeans, my rings still on my fingers. The flowered path that lead out of the circle was accompanied by an arc made of vines and laced with small white flowers. The sky was a pastel blue and the sun was high up in it, shining so bright that I needed to shield my eyes from the blinding rays.

"Sorry I'm late." I heard a female voice enter the premises as my eyes were still adjusting from looking at the bright sun. It was a voice I don't think I've heard before, but still sounded slightly familiar.

I looked at the figure walk up to me, as I was still seeing a white haze. My eyes were adjusting as I saw long dark wavy hair. The woman came up and pecked my cheek by surprise with a short half embrace before walking over to the chair opposite to mine at the table.

My eyes adjusted as she sat down in the shade, running her hand back through her dark brown long hair so it was out of her face. I sat confused, not knowing who I was looking at and why she acted like she knew me. But oddly I kinda felt like I knew her too without even seeing her before right now. She looked to be in her late teens, maybe even early twenties. She smiled at me with her perfectly straight teeth, her pink lips plump as two dimples carved into her cheeks. Her eyes were green, vibrant with a little bit of hazel around the pupils. She had long dark eyelashes framing her eyes, her cheeks slightly rosy on her tanned skin.

"Are you okay?" She furrowed her brows, making me realize she looked a lot like Amelia.

"I-I'm sorry.. but w-who.. who-" I felt lost in translation on what to even say.

"Dad," She grabs my closed hand on the table in worry. "What's going on? You seem freaked out." She says in concern.

I widen my eyes and stare at her face, realizing she just said dad. Who was I looking at right now?

"Briar?" I whisper in shock, feeling overwhelmingly confused.

"Who else would I be?" She laughs lightly, shaking her head a bit. This wasn't possible, Briar is a baby, not this young woman. I took in every aspect of her face, analyzing her and seeing how much she looks like Amelia.

Her hair colour was more mine, dark brown instead of Amelia's light brown. Her eyes were my colour and she did have my nose, but everything else just screamed Amelia. Her diamond shaped lips, were a duplicate of hers and her face shape was hers as well. I felt so dumbfounded that I was staring at her as a grown woman. Where was I? When was I?

"Y-you just look so.. grown up." I whisper in shock.

"Well I'm not five anymore ya know." She smiles with a laugh, a lighthearted gentle laugh that reminded me so much of Amelia.

Everything around us had a glowing tint to it, like the sun bounced off every surface beneath it and gave everything the power to radiant warmth.

"I don't understand what's going on." I whisper to her, not knowing how else to say it. None of this was real, but it also felt so real. Briar looked exactly how I imagined Briar looking in the future, she was an exact replica of everything Briar would be.

"What do you mean? You wanted to have lunch didn't you?" She says with her soft hand still on the back of mine.

"I-I," My words felt unspeakable at the point due to anxiousness. My throat closed and felt so overwhelmed, my mind was telling to to stand up and run but something was holding me back. My heart was telling me to stay, because although I was so lost and anxious, I felt so compelled to sit here with her.

She felt and looked so real, and it was so... warm.

"You're kind of worrying me.." She says in concern, analyzing my features.

Right when I was about to say something, my breath was taken from my lungs as I felt a sharp overwhelming pain to my whole front of my body. I suck in a sharp inhale as it felt like I endured something so familiar.

"Dad!" Briar shouted and looked at my shirt.

I looked down and saw my white shirt was soaked in blood all the sudden from parts where I was tortured by Felix. I widened my eyes as the marks started appearing on my arms too, blood dripping down my skin.

I look back up and Briar would had shock on her face, and I had a feeling I looked the same.

I choked out a cough and before I knew it, falling out of my chair and on the green grass. With the feeling of not being able to breath, I arched my back at the pain and clenched my fists.

I saw Briar come above me on her knees, tears welling her eyes as I laid on the floor unable to speak or move.  Her head blocked the sun, making her more of a silhouette but I could still see her features. She ran her hand back through my hair off my forehead just like Amelia would, looking somewhere and yelling out for help but I couldn't hear her anymore then a muffle. 

"You're going to be okay dad, I promise." She looked down and fights her tears while her words sounded like my ears were plugged.

I shut my eyes and suddenly all I could hear was the clear loud sounds of a wind chimer again. It was loud, clear, and the only thing my hearing would perceive as I was in a pit of darkness.

When my eyes peeled open, the light shot in them like an invasion. The sound of wind chimers was gone and replaced with the sounds of a repetitive machine beep. I could breath again, but only mildly. When my eyes adjusted, the first thing I saw was a hand in mine as I was laying in a bed. When I followed the hand to its person, I saw Amelia asleep in a hospital chair next to me.


So Dylan O'Brien is literally across the street from my apartment filming a movie and I'm sitting in here in my bed writing harry styles fanfic lmao yeet

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