"Lay one finger on my daughter and I'll have you destroyed before the hours up."
Harry and Amelia were ready to start the rest of their lives together, but what happens when the demons of his pas...
*whatever gifs I use of Briar just remember that YES she still has green eyes and brown hair*
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Harry Styles
I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and the warmth's surrounding me. When I opened my eyes, the sun shot right into them. I cursed and clamped my eyes shut again. I arched my back in a stretch, groaning from the uncomfortable surface below me. I sit up slowly and open my eyes again, using my hand to shield the bright morning rays of the sky.
I realized I was alone on the balcony, with a blanket on top of me. It was quite warm outside, the sun was only half in the sky so I imagined it was no later then 10am. Where did this blanket come from? And where was Amelia?
I slowly stood up in just my boxers, stretching and running my hand back through my messy hair.
I open the bedroom door to see its empty. They bed was still unmade which wasn't a surprise. I narrowed my eyes to the clock to see that it was 9:28am.
I yawn and walk to the bathroom, popping my pills and brushing my teeth. I look at my tired reflection while brushing my teeth, instantly looking at the scratch marks on my chest. I widened my eyes and spat the remainder of the the toothpaste into the sink, looking back up at my deep cuts all across my chest and a few on my abs. She really did a number on me.
I turn around and look over my shoulder at the my back using the reflection of the mirror, seeing how much worse it was across my shoulder blades and down from my neck to half way down my body.
"Shit-" I whisper while looking at the deep red cuts from where she drew blood, my lips slowly curled to a smirk with enjoyable glimpses of last night.
Well before we went to sleep at least..
I shut off the bathroom light and walk down the stairs, turning into the kitchen to see Briar sitting in her high chair with baby food all over her face and her fingers in her mouth, making her usual silly noises.
Amelia had her back to me, washing the dishes in her black silk robe that ended right at her upper thigh. Her long brown hair was draped down her back. She didn't realize I was here and after admiring her from a far, I walked up.
I quietly walked up behind her and grabbed her hips, but immediately when I did so she flinched -
A loud gasp left her lips and she dropped the dishes into the sink, enough to make one of the plates break. Her hands gripped the counter in reflex.
"Hey woah relax," I start while she kept her back to me and gripped the counter. "It's just me." I say calmly, going to turn her around by her hips but she resists and kept her grip on the counter, dropping her head.
"Is everything okay?" I say a little more concerned as she stared at the ground with her back still to me, taking my hands off her.
"Yea-yeah, sorry I'm just a little jumpy this morning." She says quietly.