I know you're there-6

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I'm back my bunnies!!! I had lots of fun in China and bought lots of new stuff! Anyway I'm sorry if this chapter sucks. I wrote it while I was on a train so I couldn't come up with the best stuff to write haha. But enjoy!


   Jungkook runs through his dorm's door and slams it shut, almost forgetting to lock it behind him. Sighing in relief, he presses his back against the door and slides to the floor.

That was so scary. What if that man, Taehyung, hadn't listened to him and stopped what he was doing? Jungkook shivers and runs a hand shakily through his wet and matted hair.

No point in getting too worried about it now, he tells himself. Taehyung promised he wouldn't do that to him again, so everything should go back to normal now.

He's still scary though, Jungkook thinks, then stands up and pulls off his soaked shirt and heads to the shower.
Next day...


   Taehyung groans and slams his fist on his screeching alarm clock, silencing it (and probably breaking it too). He sits up and drags his heavy body out of bed.

I feel like shit, he thinks. Suddenly his eyes widen and he jumps up, dashing over to his dresser and pulling the top drawer open frantically, searching for something that might answer all his questions from the day before. Then, he sees it; a thermometer, one you can use to check your body temperature. Taehyung flips the switch and watches as the tiny blue screens comes to life, instructing him how to use the little machine. He follows the instructions and then looks back at the screen eagerly.

   102 degrees F, a fever. Taehyung sighs in relief and trudges back to bed, flopping down into the still warm sheets. He had never been so glad to be sick. He isn't crazy and he doesn't have any weird feelings for that raven-haired guy, he just has a fever, that's all. That's why he wasn't thinking straight and did that to the poor kid.

   Feeling as if a huge weight had just been lifted off his chest, the 20-year old closes his eyes and falls back asleep.


   "London bridge is falling down~" Jungkook stirs in his sleeps and then opens his eyes slowly, reaching out and pressing the off button on his alarm. He then lays there in bed, staring at the ceiling, for several more minutes.

   Tomorrow is my first day. Jungkook gulps and finally slides out from under his sheets. What should I do today?

   After thinking and debating over breakfast, the raven-haired male decides to swim again and get some exercise done since he probably won't be able to swim as often once school starts. He goes over to his drawer and pulls it open, but freezes.

   No, he thinks suddenly. What if Taehyung-hyung is there again? I don't know what to do if I face him right now.

   Jungkook stares at the shorts in his hands, and then turns and heads to the bathroom.


   Taehyung curses as he stares at the pool's gate, waiting for a certain male to enter.

   What the hell am I even doing here? I'm sick and should be in bed instead of out here at the pool in this stupid wind.  The brat probably won't even show up again today after yesterday.

   Taehyung sighs, standing up and trudging toward the gate. He had originally planned to come back to the pool and officially apologize to Jungkook, but apparently that wasn't going to happen.

   The gate clicks open, and in walks a slightly shorter male with deep, black hair. Jungkook.

   Taehyung's breath hitches and he ducks behind a wide tree, keeping as still as possible. Why is he hiding? He's supposed to take the initiative and apologize, isn't he?

   Jungkook walks over to a bench and sets his stuff down. Then, he stops moving and turns his head in Taehyung's direction.

   Taehyung holds his breath and presses his hand on his chest, fearing the younger would hear his loud and rapid heartbeat.

   "Hyung, I know you're there," the older hears Jungkook say, almost too quiet to hear. "You can come out now."

   Taehyung takes a deep breath and steps out from his hiding spot, taking in the sight of the person before him.

   Jungkook looks so beautiful. His smooth, pale, almost flawless skin seems to glow in the gentle sunlight, and his eyes are as bright as ever, like light beams in the dark.

   Taehyung notices Jungkook standing there, still and waiting, and snaps out of his daze. Stop thinking weird things, Tae. You have a fever.

   "Jungkook," he says with his deep, strong voice, stepping closer to the younger. "I have something I would like to say to you."


Lolololololol that cliffhanger sucked but I wrote this chapter on a train so oh well. I wasn't able to come up with an exact day for updates, so I'll just be adding new chapters randomly. But don't worry my friends! I'll be uploading at least once a week! Bye for now!!💕🐰

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