Pink Shorts-15

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"They won't stop until they kill us all."

"So we have no choice but to fight them. Fire with fire."



   Taehyung runs a hand through his blond hair as he strolls around the school campus after class.
   "Fire with fire," he had said, but he has no concrete plan on how they would do that. Phoenix is a huge group consisting of over a hundred gang members, and although most of the members of the gang aren't as strong as them, it would still be a hard and risky fight if they all came together.

Plus there's Jungkook to worry about, Taehyung thinks as he approaches the complex where the said male lives. Phoenix probably knows where Jungkook lives, and they won't hesitate to strike soon.

   I need to keep him safe.

Taehyung raps his knuckles on the door and waits. A minute ticks by and there's no answer.

Must not be back yet. Taehyung grumbles and leans against the door, grabbing the door knob for support, and the knob surprisingly turns.

He looks down at the knob, startled, and slowly turns it. The door creaks open, and with a sinking feeling of dread and alarm in the pit of his stomach, Taehyung enters the apartment, his black boots clicking on the tile floor with every step.

   "Jungkook?" Taehyung calls out, but there's no response. He checks the kitchen, the living room, the bathroom...

   But there's no one there.

   The frantic male turns to Jungkook's bedroom, the only room he hasn't checked yet. Swinging the closed door open, he scans the bedroom with worried eyes to find the younger laying on his bed wearing only a pair of short, pink boxers.

   Taehyung's heart beats rapidly, and he can feel the blood rushing to his face. Had someone broken in? What did they do to Jungkook? Why is he-

   Taehyung clenches his fists and rushes over to the younger. I swear if they touched him..

   "Jungkook!" Taehyung shouts, shaking the boy's arm hard. "Jeon Jungkook!"

   The younger whines and stirs, rubbing his eyes and yawning before looking up at the older and gasping.

   "Tae Tae hyung? What are you doing here?" Jungkook asks, opening his puppy eyes wide.

   "Why don't you tell me why the hell your door was open and why you're laying here practically naked?" the latter growls in response.

   Jungkook looks down at himself and finally realizes the position he's in, yelping and covering himself up with his blanket.

   "I-I was really tired from studying late last night," the boy squeaks. "I m-must've forgotten to lock the door and fell asleep while changing."

   Taehyung sighs and plops down on the bed next to Jungkook, relieved that nothing bad has happened but angry at the younger for being so vulnerable.

   "I'm sorry," Jungkook says quietly. "I should've been more careful."

   He makes eye contact with the older, pouting slightly, and Taehyung can't help but forgive him.

   "Well it doesn't matter that much anymore," Taehyung says, standing up and stopping in front of Jungkook. "Because from now on you'll be staying with me."

   Jungkook looks at him, confused, but is given no time to ask any questions.

   "Hurry up and pack the things you need most. If you need anything else you can come back here and get it but I have to come with you." He flashes a smile that says "you have no choice."

   Taehyung then walks over to the front door and is about to leave when Jungkook finally musters up the courage to ask, "Why?"

   The older stops and turns around to face him, his upbeat and demanding manner gone.

   "I'll tell you soon. Please..just-just trust me, okay? Tomorrow's Saturday, so meet me in front of the pool at 8:30 am."

  And with that Taehyung shuts the door, the clicking of his boots fading as he walks away.


   The boy remains sitting on his soft bed, wrapped in his bunny print blanket long after Taehyung leaves.

   Why does Tae Tae hyung want me to live with him? And why did he look so troubled just now?

   Jungkook stares at his plump toes poking out from under the blanket, wiggling them absentmindedly.

   Come to think of it, he's been acting really weird since yesterday when he last came to my dorm.

   Jungkook unwraps himself from his cocoon and picks out a shirt and a pair of shorts from his closet, deep in thought.

   "Please..just-just trust me, okay?"

   Taehyung's words echo in his mind, playing like a broken record. Repeating over and over and over again.

   "Just trust me, okay?"

   "Hyungie said he'll tell me why, and I think he must have a good reason," the boy says out loud. "But what if something bad happens if I get too involved with him?"

   He debates for a bit longer before coming to a decision.




   Taehyung waits by the front gate of the pool, looking around for any sign of the raven-haired boy. Seeing no one other than a few students out buying food, he looks down at his watch.

   8:21 am.

   There's no way Jungkook could've refused. After all it's not like he was really given that choice.

   But what if that's exactly the reason he would refuse to come?

   Taehyung shakes his head. It's not even 8:30 yet you dimwit. You're just being paranoid.

   8:28 am.

   Taehyung walks through the long rows of food stalls and decides to buy dango for Jungkook, a sweet Japanese snack similar to mochi.

   8:36 am.

   The 20-year old is back at the pool, holding the container of dango. There's still no sign of Jungkook, and Taehyung is starting to grow impatient. He is about to go over to Jungkook's dorm himself when he hears a familiar voice calling him.


   The owner of the voice jogs over to Taehyung, his raven-black hair ruffled from the wind.

   "I'm sorry I'm late," Jungkook says sheepishly, lowering his head and setting his duffle bag down. "I didn't hear my alarm."

   It's true that Taehyung had been upset and thought that the younger wouldn't show up, but he shrugs it off and holds out the dango, avoiding the younger's eyes.

   "I'll carry your bag. You haven't had breakfast yet, right?"

   Jungkook shakes his head.

   "Then eat this."

   Jungkook's eyes light up at the sight of the food and he smiles big. "Thanks Hyung!"

   Taehyung leads the way with Jungkook's bag in hand and the younger follows, munching on his dango and humming happily.


Okay so this chapter sucks. Sorry.

The update schedule for Innocence will continue to be once every other week because the amount of other work I have to do is enough to fill a volcano. (RIP me)

Thank you for reading!🐰💜


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