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Thank you so much for 10k my buns!!💜💜💜


Taehyung approaches the heavy metal doors of the warehouse, hands curled into fists. Two guards rush out to meet him, flexing their muscles and brandishing sharp knives.

"Stop right there and wait for the signal to enter!"

Taehyung ignores their warnings, dodging their strikes and dealing sharp blows left and right. The guards black out instantly and drop to the ground like heavy boulders.

   He stands there, hands placed on the cold surface of the warehouse doors, listening, waiting for something, anything.


   He breaks the old, rusty lock on the door with a grunt and kicks it hard. The heavy doors creak open, the low and ominous sound leading to silence from the interior.

   The room is dark, nearly pitch black. Taehyung flips out his dagger, the sharp blade gleaming gallantly in the dull rays of moonlight shining through the filthy windows.

   He places his hand on his gun holster and stays still, not making a sound. Where did Philip and his men go?

   Taehyung takes a step farther into the room, then freezes. His grip tightens on his gun, ready to pull it out at the first sigh of attack. He steadies his breathing. There are 10, 20, no; 30 people in the room with him.

   There's a warmth at his back. Taehyung notices this just as he glimpses something metal glinting in the moonlight from above him. In an instant, his hands fly to grab behind him, and sure enough it's a person, most likely trying to sneak up on him on Philip's orders.

   He pulls the man in front of him, and a wet thudding sound echoes through the large room.

   The lights turn on, the sound of electricity running within the walls. Taehyung looks down at the man laying on the floor in front of him, a throwing knife slick with blood sticking out of his still chest.

He looks up, his face grim. His estimate was correct; now that the lights are on, he can make out about 30 men in the room, positioned in the front, the back, and blocking the exits.

"Philip!" Taehyung growls. "Come out and fight me like a man!"

A low chuckle sounds from the upper balcony, and Philip walks out from the shadows, flanked by five of his best fighters. Taehyung knows them; he used to play cards with them every Sunday when he was still a part of the gang. But they're his enemies now.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and steels himself. "Where's Jungkook?"

"Oh, the boy? Don't worry, we had our fun with him but he's still alive at least."

Taehyung clenches his fists, his face dark. His voice comes out as a dangerous whisper.

" he?"

There's grunting to his right, and Taehyung whips his head around as two bulky men appear, dragging a wooden chair with a person tied to it behind them.

Taehyung lets out a barely audible whimper when he sees Jungkook. The boy is bound tightly to the chair by rough ropes that dig into his skin. His face is bloody and bruised, eyes red and swollen. He's only wearing an old, white t-shirt three sizes too big for him and tight shorts.

They're not his clothes.

Taehyung whirls back to face Philip, who has a smug look on his face.


In his explosion he let down his guard, and suddenly Taehyung finds himself kneeling on the hard floor, three of Philip's men holding him down.

"You bastard," he seethes. His eyes almost glow with killing intent, and his voice shakes with rage. "I'm going to kill you you piece of shit." He struggles against the men holding his arms, but no matter how strong he is he can't overpower three men of the same build as him at once.

He looks desperately at Jungkook, but the boy is out cold, his form slumped over and limp in his bindings.

The sight is horrifying to Taehyung. He swallows hard and speaks, his voice low and defeated.

"Why are you doing this?"

Philip scoffs at the question. "Don't play innocent with me, V. Is it wrong for a son to want to avenge his father's death? You killed him, you murderer. Just like how you killed your own mother."

Taehyung stiffens. A chill runs down his spine.

"Don't speak of that to me."

"Why not? Because of you your mother is dead, and because of you my father is dead. It's only just for unlovable trash like you to feel the same pain of losing someone you love."

Philip makes his way down to the first floor, his footsteps loud and echoing. He stops in front of Taehyung. Reaching down, Philip grabs his chin and forces him to look at Jungkook's pale, limp body.

"First, I'm going to kill him," he whispers in Taehyung's, enjoying how he tenses at his words.

"I'll slice his throat open nice and slow for you to see, and we can watch the light leave his eyes together. Then you can call your friends over and we'll have a nice little party before I kill them too, how about that?"

Taehyung's eyes widen, his face a mask of horror.

"Oh, but don't worry your pretty head," Philip continues. "I won't kill you. It's better for trash like you to live your life knowing that so many people died because of you."

Suddenly, Taehyung feels a weight on his legs. He tears his eyes away from Jungkook to find Philip straddling him, his arms wrapped around his neck.

"You know," Philip coos in his ear, "I really liked you before you killed Felix, and so I'll spare your life. I was originally planning to kill you too, but that would be such a waste, now wouldn't it. Instead, I'll make you my new plaything, and you can spend the rest of your life with me."

   He pulls away and takes in Taehyung's face. "I really like seeing that look on your face. The look of a lamb being hunted by a big, bad wolf."

   Taehyung doesn't say a word, but his expression must have reflected what he thought. Since when has Philip been like...this??

   This is sick.

   Taehyung jerks his chin out of Philip's hand and smashes their lips together. Philip tenses, surprised, but then smirks. He bites down on Taehyung's bottom lip, causing the latter to wince and pull away.

   "Don't get so full of yourself just because I said I liked you," Philip says, amused but angry at Taehyung's bold actions. "You should be eternally grateful that someone like me takes pity on dirt like you. You're my slave now, know your place."

   Philip stands and gestures to the men in the room.

   "Teach him a lesson."

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