Mask (side story)-18

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A week before the kidnapping...

The bell rings, signaling the end of class. Chairs scrape against the floor as students file out of their classrooms, some heading to clubs while others leave the campus.

Park Jimin is shoving his books into his backpack when he hears a high pitched voice calling his name.

"Jiminie hyung!"

The sophomore turns his head to find a panting Jungkook standing by the doorway.

   Jimin smiles at the sight of the younger. They had met several days ago when Jungkook accidentally tripped over his own feet and spilled his juice all over Jimin's shoes during lunch. He had been furious, but soon forgave the boy as he seemed sincerely sorry and was way too cute to stay mad at.

   "I need some advice, hyung," Jungkook squeaks, his eyes wide and anticipating. "Lately Tae tae hyung's been acting kinda weird, but I don't know why."

   It's because he wants to keep you safe from Phoenix, Jimin thinks, but lets the boy continue.

   "How can I make him happy?"

   Jimin raises an eyebrow and chuckles. His time has finally come to step in. Taehyung obviously sees Jungkook as more than just a friend, so Jimin should give the two of them a little push. But first he has to make sure...

   "Hey Kookie," Jimin says.


   "Do you like Taehyung?"

   "Of course I do. I love him in fact!"

   "No, I mean romantically."

   Jungkook falters and his ears turn pink. He looks down at his feet, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

   "I-I do," he stammers, almost inaudible. "B-but T-Tae Tae hyung doesn't like me back."

   "Pssshh, that's bull," Jimin grins. Then he gets an idea.

   "Be a bit more bold with him," he says, smiling evilly. "Climb into his lap or something like that. He would probably like that."

   Jungkook's eyes widen at the suggestion, but he nods anyway, determined. If it would make hyungie happy, he would do anything.

   Jimin chuckles as the younger runs out of the room to find Taehyung, shouting a quick thanks.

He slides his last book into his bag and zips it up when he hears another voice.

"Hey beautiful."

Jimin sighs, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Yoongi."

The older chuckles and slides into the seat next to Jimin.

"So," Yoongi says, looking around at the empty classroom. "Why did you call me here?" He arches an eyebrow. "Were you thinking of doing anything kinky?"

"Please take this seriously," Jimin retorts, his cheeks pink. "I wanted to talk with you about Phoenix."

Yoongi groans. "I don't want to think about that. We already have a plan, and if we have to run away again then so be it"

"But that's the problem! We can't keep running away forever, Yoongs. You and I both know that, and I'm sure the others do too." He sighs and sinks into his chair.

   "You okay?"

"I-I'm scared, Yoongi."

Yoongi looks at Jimin, his eyes wide as he watches the younger break down.

   "We've been running away for so long, always having to hide, but they still always find us!" His hands start to shake.


   "I'm SICK of this!" Jimin cries, his entire body shaking uncontrollably now. "I'm always hiding it and pretending I'm fine and strong but I'm not! I'm not strong like you guys, in fact I'm weak! I wake up every morning feeling like today is the day I'm gonna get caught, and no one will even know what happened. I'm always alone, and you might think I'm just a pussy but I feel so insecure! Namjoon has Jin, Jungkook has Taehyung, and Hoseok has his girlfriend; they all have someone in the fight with them! Someone to support them!"


   Jimin looks up at Yoongi with glaring eyes. "And all I have is a bastard who doesn't take anything seriously."

   Jimin flinches when Yoongi suddenly slams his hand on the desk, eyes hard and clear.

   "Is that why you called me here?" the older says darkly. "To call me a bastard and assume things about me?"

   "Don't deny your actions Yoongi."

   "You don't know anything about me," Yoongi growls. "I have my reasons for being this way."

   Jimin pulls himself out of his shocked state and lets his anger consume him.

   "You don't have any good reasons," he fires back. "All you do is flirt with me and treat me like my feelings don't matter. I know you don't like me, so stop playing with my feelings! If you're not going to be serious about what you say to me then just stop, STOP!!"

   Jimin finishes his rant and stands there, panting hard with his fists curled at his sides.

   Yoongi's head is lowered, his bangs blocking his eyes. Jimin suddenly feels a pang of regret. He was too harsh, he shouldn't have-

   "You're wrong about that," Yoongi says quietly, not looking at the younger. "I don't act like this because I just want to play with your feelings."

   He raises his head and looks Jimin right in the eye.

   "I do it because I love you, and I thought that maybe you would catch my hints, but I guess I failed at that too."

   Jimin's heart starts pounding, his face reddening and his eyes widening as Yoongi's words sink in. He takes a step back and loses his footing, crashing to the floor in shock.

   Yoongi is immediately at his side, any trace of the anger he just showed gone and concern in his eyes as he wraps his arms around the smaller male.

   "I'm sorry," he whispers. "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't know I hurt you like that. I'm so sorry."

   Jimin closes his eyes and raises a hand to caress the back of his hyung's head, listening to his velvety voice apologizing over and over again.

   "It's okay," he whispers in Yoongi's ear. "I'll forgive you."

   Jimin lets go of Yoongi and turns around to face him. "And I'm sorry I said those things to you. I was being inconsiderate, and I didn't know-"

   Yoongi trails his hand up Jimin's arm and caresses his face, stopping the younger from talking. Jimin feels his face getting warm, and leans in to Yoongi's touch.

   Their lips press together, softly but firmly. It's a sweet kiss, stained with tears and newly found feelings and filled with love, not lust.

   Yoongi pulls away when the two run out of air and looks into Jimin's loving eyes, overwhelmed by his feelings.

   "I love you Park Jimin."

  "...I love you too."


So that's what happened between those two lovebirds, in case you were wondering.

And I'm really sorry it took me so long to update. I was going through a writers' block and I've been a bit depressed lately. But I'll get back on my feet!

Have a nice day🙂

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