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   Blood. The ground is covered with blood, the red, sickening substance filling every crack and crevice in the old concrete floor of the warehouse, pooling at Taehyung's feet.

Before him, Philip's body lays where he had fallen when Taehyung's bullet pierced the side of his skull. He was dead before his body even hit the ground.

The guards' eyes widen in shock. With their leader gone, the remaining men run, bolting for the exit.

Taehyung should be relieved, glad that he had finally defeated the man who used to strike fear into the hearts of his friends and loved ones.

But not this. This wasn't supposed to happen.

A low, guttural moan escapes Yoongi's lips, full of sorrow and despair. He drags his body forward, slowly, and gathers someone in his arms, his face buried in his soft, silver hair.

Taehyung drops his gun, the stolen weapon clattering to the floor. Clutching his shoulder, he painfully pulls himself toward Yoongi with his good leg.

He stops, rigid, and stares, his heart clenching and his eyes disbelieving.

Laying in Yoongi's trembling arms is Jimin, his eyes closed as if he's sleeping peacefully, but his body still, cold.


Taehyung's knees buckle and he stumbles, kneeling on the ground just as Namjoon and Hoseok reach them, tucking their guns away. His eyes focus on the bullet wound in Jimin's chest, and in his disbelief he can't bring himself to look away.

   Hoseok, panting hard, walks up behind Yoongi, clapping him on the shoulder.

   "Hyung, we did it!" he says, eyes sparkling.

   Yoongi doesn't respond, he just continues to stare at Jimin's face, his expression blank, like there's nothing left to feel.

   "Hyung, we...hyung?"

   Next to him, Namjoon goes quiet, his eyes hard and piercing.

Hoseok follows Namjoon's gaze and notices Jimin for the first time, just laying there in Yoongi's arms. But why are his eyes closed? Is he unconscious? If he's just unconscious, then why does Yoongi look as if-

   "Yoongi-hyung," Hoseok says. "W-what's wrong with Jimin??"

   Yoongi doesn't reply, he just continues to look down at the boy, his eyes glassy.

   "What's wrong with him?! Hyung!" Hoseok yells, his voice urgent and miserable. When there is once again no reply from the elder, he breaks down in heart-wrenching, screaming sobs.

   Namjoon turns away from the scene. Unlike Hoseok, he is silent, but his face is hard and pained as if he's holding his emotions back, and his eyes glisten with tears.

   Seeing his best friend laying lifeless on the floor feels worse than Hell to Taehyung, but seeing his friends' reactions to the news makes it so much worse.

   Tears threatening his eyes, Taehyung stands, ignoring the sharp pain in his leg, and kneels beside Yoongi, grasping Jimin's cold hand in both of his.

   He looks at his best friend's face, so peaceful, as if he really is asleep.

   Just moments ago, when Philip was about to pull the trigger, Taehyung had sent a bullet through his skull, but not before Philip could pull his trigger too.

   But the bullet didn't get to Yoongi. When he opened his eyes, wondering why he wasn't dead yet, he saw Jimin's back to him, the boy faltering before crashing to the floor.

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