Moonlit Fear-17

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   It was pretty normal day.

   Taehyung had gone to class, glared some wannabes down, yelled at Jimin to stop spoiling Jungkook's innocence, and came home holding hands with the younger.

   He plops down on the black leather couch next to Jungkook and wraps his arm around him as the boy watches cartoons, too focused on the large tv screen to notice.

   One of the characters, a round pig with a curly tail, trips over his own hooves and falls snout first into a puddle of mud that he apparently didn't see right in front of him. At that Jungkook bursts into a fit of giggles, laughing so hard he looks like he's having a seizure.

   Taehyung smiles and observes how the his doe eyes become joyful crescents when he laughs.

   "You look like you're having fun," Taehyung chuckles.

   Jungkook just nods without taking his eyes off the screen, and the older frowns. He wants attention.

   Suddenly the screen turns black, and Jungkook lets out a small gasp, whipping his head around to glare at Taehyung, who is holding the remote.

   "Hey!" The younger whines. "Why'd you do that?"

   Taehyung shrugs and sets the remote down. "You've just been watching tv all day and ignoring me."

   Jungkook pouts, and crawls over to the older until he's straddling him by the front.

   "W-what-" Taehyung stammers, his face red as he places his hands on Jungkook's shoulders to keep some distance between them.

   "If you're bored, you can play with me!" Jungkook suggests, smiling.

   He points to Taehyung's phone. "We can play SAO Memory Defrag together!"

   Taehyung mentally slaps himself and chuckles. "Kookie, since when have you been so bold?"

   Jungkook tilts his head in confusion, and looks down. His mouth forms an O and he slowly climbs off the older, ears red.

   Jungkook looks straight at the wall awkwardly, sneaking a glance at Taehyung, who is currently looking up the game he mentioned earlier on his phone. Suddenly his stomach growls loudly, and he squeals and hides his face in embarrassment.

   Taehyung laughs at the younger's cuteness and grabs his wallet.

   "Do you want me to buy something for dinner?"

   Jungkook looks up and nods eagerly. "Jajangmyeon."

   The older nods and slides on his boots. "I'll be back soon," he waves and shuts the door before him, leaving the boy alone in his big dorm.

   Jungkook sighs in relief but blushes when he remembers what just happened.

   Jiminie hyung said that Tae tae hyung would be happy if I was more bold with him. He frowns. He didn't look happy, but he didn't look mad either.

   The innocent boy thinks hard, his brain gears working at full power until it hurts. He didn't seem to hate it so I think I'll just keep following Jiminie's advice.

   Jungkook hums a tune quietly as he organizes the wide bookshelves by the hallway to keep himself busy. When he's finished with that, he walks into his room to finish his homework.

   The room is dark, the only source of light being the moonlight shining through a single window on the far wall.

   Jungkook bumps his knee against the leg of his desk and yelps, fumbling for the light switch blindly in the dark.

   His fingers locate the switch, but he stops when he looks over at the coat rack standing by the window.

   Why do I have a coat that big? he thinks, staring at the huge black coat that seems to float right next to the rack instead of hanging off of it. The  right sleeve of the coat flutters in the gentle breeze from the open window and seems to reach out toward the boy.


   Jungkook's blood runs cold, and he takes his hand off the light switch and runs out of the room, not even daring to look back at the coat, or person, next to the closed window.

He hears footsteps booming behind him, loud and ominous, and he whimpers, bolting for the front door and fumbling with the lock. His sweaty hands slip off the lock over and over again, and he wipes them on his shirt to dry them before trying again, tears of frustration brimming in his eyes.

A large hand grabs his in a vice-like grip and rips it off the door handle, and Jungkook screams as loud as he can, hoping someone will hear him and save him.

But his hopes are crushed when the intruder clamps his other hand firmly over his mouth, muffling his cries. Jungkook is thrown onto the couch violently, knocking the air out of lungs. As he gasps to regain his breath, the intruder calmly walks over to him and pulls out a syringe, the needle dripping clear liquid.

   "Help me!" Jungkook screams one last time in a futile attempt. The man grabs him by the shoulders and raises the syringe, his narrowed eyes showing no hint of remorse behind his black mask.

   Jungkook punches and kicks at him wildly, sobbing with anger and fear.

   The needle punctures his neck, and the boy freezes mid-punch as the icy liquid spreads through his veins, numbing his senses.

   Through his fading eyesight, he sees the intruder gather up his limp body and carry him toward the door, where a black van is waiting just a few floors down.

   All his strength is gone, and all he can do is watch painfully as two more men appear, dressed in all black, and help toss him into the back of the van before getting in themselves.

   The engine starts.

   Help me, Taehyung hyung, is all the boy can think before his eyes roll up into his skull and the world disappears.


Welp...that was intense.

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