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Taehyung walks back to the dorm after class, carrying a bag of fried chicken and bibimbap from the food stands. He sighs and frowns as he walks. He had been planning to make homemade tteoboki and milk biscuits for Jungkook to cheer him up, but the class he forgot about ended up taking away most of his evening.

"Kookie, I'm home!" Taehyung announces as he enters their dorm, slipping off his shoes and tossing his bag next to the sofa.

Jungkook comes padding out of his room as Taehyung opens the box of chicken, heading to the kitchen to get plates.

"Welcome back," he says in a quiet monotone voice as he passes Taehyung on his way to the kitchen, and Taehyung pauses and looks at him as he busies himself with the plates.

"You sound tired," Taehyung says when Jungkook comes back and hands him a plate and a pair of chopsticks. He looks him up and down, noticing that he had changed out of his previous outfit that he wore to class into a soft white sweater and dark blue shorts that reach down mid thigh.

He looks so soft! Taehyung coos silently, reaching out a hand to ruffle the boy's hair.

Jungkook flinches and relaxes, giving him a small smile before sitting down to eat. Taehyung notices the dark circles under his eyes and the weary, exhausted look on his face. It's unlike him.

"Kookie, Taehyung says gently after they finish eating dinner. "Please be honest with me. It's still too soon for you to go back to class, isn't it?"

Jungkook looks at him, then lowers his head. "I'm fine with going back to class. I don't want my grades to drop any further."

"You just seem so exhausted, Kook. I know you're still hurting, and I'm worried it's too much-"

"I told you already, I'm perfectly fine!" Jungkook suddenly yells.

Taehyung's eyes widen in shock. It's the first time Jungkook has risen his voice at him like that.

Jungkook fidgets in his chair, tugging at his sleeves.

"Please stop acting like you're my mom or something," Jungkook continues quietly, his hair falling into his face, covering his eyes. "Why can't you just leave me alone? It's fucking annoying!"

Jungkook stands up abruptly, not looking at Taehyung, and takes his plate to the sink. As he passes by him on his way to his room, Taehyung shakes himself out of his surprise and reaches out to grab his wrist.

"Kook, wait, I-"

Jungkook winces and wrenches his wrist out of Taehyung's grasp, running to his room and slamming the door shut.

Taehyung stands there for a moment, then looks at the hand he used to grab Jungkook's wrist.

His eyebrows furrow as a numbing suspicion creeps into his mind, and he clenches his jaw, burying his face in his hand.

No, he couldn't have...not him...


Another short chapter today! This chapter and the next were supposed to be just one chapter, but I thought it was too long so I split it. The next chapter will be longer, so stay tuned for that! ><

Also, please check out my new book 'The Outliers'! It's a collaborative novel I'm writing with the help of my good friend ThirsTae0806 . I'm really passionate and excited about this story, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it!
Thank you my bunnies!💜

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