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I'm so sorry about the late update!


   "Kookie I'm home!" Taehyung says, shutting the front door. He sets the plastic bag holding two containers of jjajangmyeon on the dining table and shrugs off his coat, hanging it by the door.

   "Jungkook, I have food!" he says out loud again, but there's no response.

   He must be in the bathroom or something, he thinks and heads into the kitchen. He prepares a glass of cola for himself and a glass of milk for Jungkook and comes back out into the living room, setting them down carefully on the table next to the take-out bag.

   He checks his watch; it's been five minutes since he came home and Jungkook still hasn't come out of the bathroom. In fact, the bathroom lights aren't even on.

   The 20-year old looks around the room for the first time and notices the mess, pillows strewn on the ground, the couch cushions dented, as if something had been thrown against them, and dirt on the floor.

   Dirt from outside?

   Taehyung's blood runs cold, and he rummages through the dorm, looking in every corner of every room for the younger.

   No Jungkook, but the window in his bedroom is open.

   What he had feared the most, what he had tried so hard to prevent from happening, it still became a reality.

   A panicked sob leaves Taehyung's lips, and he loses strength in his legs, stumbling back and sinking to the floor.

   He digs out his phone with a shaky hand, pressing his thumb weakly against the call button for Jimin's number.

It rings once. Twice.


"J-Jimin," Taehyung rasps, his throat dry.

"Taehyung, what's wrong? You sound really-"

"Phoenix...they-they took him."

There is silence on the other, Jimin unmistakably shocked beyond words.

"I-I have to find him," Taehyung says, barely audible.

"Tae, wait! You can't go alone. We'll-"

He disconnects the call, and Jimin's voice is cut off.

   Taehyung shakily stands, and, in a trance, grabs his coat and slides on his boots. He doesn't think. He doesn't need to.

   He takes a dagger and his gun and steps out the door.


It's dark.

I can't move.

Where am I?

   "Yo, the kid's awake."

Jungkook hears a scuffling of feet, and the black sack is ripped off his head.

   Dull light floods his eyes, and he squints at a dark-skinned man standing in front of him. He's in what looks like an abandoned warehouse, sitting in a hard wooden chair, his wrists and ankles tied to the arms and legs.


He gasps as the man slaps him forcefully, throwing his head to the side.

"Don't speak unless you're told to," the man barks.

Jungkook freezes in shock, and it takes a while for the pain to register.

   "Wow, he must be retarded, just look at that stupid look on his face," the man sneers and grabs a fistful of Jungkook's hair, pulling his head up violently.

   He cries out in pain and struggles against the ropes binding him to the chair, but it's no use.

   "Jason, that's enough," a loud voice booms from the other side of the room.

The man, Jason, scowls but steps aside, releasing the boy's hair.

Through eyes blurred with tears, Jungkook watches as a man with dark brown hair wearing a long black trench coat steps out of the shadows.

"You do not touch the boy unless I tell you to," he says to Jason, who bows with a quick apology.

He turns to Jungkook. "You must be in shock. I doubt your friend V, or Taehyung, told you anything. Let me introduce myself; I am Philip, and I have quite a history with Taehyung and his friends."

Jungkook snaps to attention at the mention of his hyung's name. "Why am I here? What does this have anything to do with him?"

"Oh, but this has EVERYTHING to do with him." Philip smiles wickedly, but his eyes are cold and hard. He starts to walk around Jungkook's chair in slow, leisurely circles. "You see, he is a murderer, and his friends are his accomplices."

   Jungkook's eyebrows furrow. "I don't believe you," he whispers.

   "Believe what you want, but they killed my father, Felix. I am the justice." He stops in front of the chair and turns sharply to face Jungkook, who flinches slightly.

   "And you are the bait. I know how precious you are to V; he's probably on his way here already. And knowing him, he probably acted on impulse and  left to find you alone." He grins and crouches down to Jungkook's level.

   "And when he gets here, he'll be alone and outnumbered. We'll tie him up and kill you right in front of him. He will watch the life leave your eyes the same way I watched the life leave my father's eyes."

   Philip stands up and resumes his walking. "And then of course we'll kill him too, since he probably won't want to live anymore. It's a win win!"

   He looks down to find Jungkook shaking in his restraints, a look of horror on his face.

   He chuckles at the sight and motions to Jason. "Mess him up real good, but don't kill him. I want to see the look of rage on V's face when he gets here."

   Taking one last look at the boy, he leaves the room, leaving him alone with Jason.

   Jason whistles and wrenches Jungkook's chin up to look at him. He loves that look of fear on the boy's face.

   "Now then, little birdie. Shall we begin?"


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