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   Taehyung wakes up to find himself cuddling with Jungkook in bed. He detaches himself from him and props himself up on his pillows, massaging the back of his aching neck. "This cheap, shitty mattress..." he groans.

   Looking down at the younger, he smiles at the boy's sleeping face. Jungkook's lashes are really long for a guy, and his skin looks so soft and bright. Taehyung chuckles at the quiet whistles Jungkook makes when he breathes. He's even cuter when he's asleep.

   Realizing what he just thought, the blond blushes a deep shade of red and quickly scrambles out of bed, grabbing his school bag and escaping the dorm room as quietly as possible so as to avoid waking the younger.


   Jungkook wakes up to the beeping of his alarm clock and stretches out a hand to shut it off, but there's nothing on top of the bedside table. Confused, Jungkook slowly opens his eyes and looks around before remembering that he had gone to sleep with Taehyung-hyung in the other room.

   Come to think of it, where is Hyungie?  Jungkook slides out of bed before realizing there's a post-it note stuck to his forehead.

                    Kookie, I left early this morning to go back to my dorm. Thanks for letting me stay the                        night at your place.


  Jungkook giggles at the cute note and proceeds to wash up. Don't go getting into fights again today hyung! he thinks.


I'm so sorry about the short chapter!!😭
My family just suddenly decided we should go to Tennessee to hike up mountains and sightsee so I wasn't able to give you guys a clear notice. Plus the WiFi at the hotels suck! Please forgive this irregular author-nim!🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️

But I'll be back with a full chapter soon after I get back!💜🐰💜

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