Boyf Riends- Languages

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This is not an au where the squip never existed. It hints once or twice that the squip was there but it never actually gets mentioned.

Jeremy's pov

I walked out of the school to meet Michael in our usual spot. I couldn't wait to see him. I hadn't all day and I was so excited. I'd spoken to Christine and she had said that I should tell him how I feel. She said that even if I get rejected it's better than not knowing at all whether he likes me or someone else or no one.

I neared where we normally meet and saw him. He was listening to music, as was commonplace, and doing this adorable, little dance. He looked up and saw me staring. I blushed and looked away.
"Jeremy, how was class? And, no offence, dude, but you look like ass."
"I... uh...yeah, class was good."
"We're doing this project in science about the amount of harmful substances in cleaning products. For the next lesson we gotta..."
I zoned out as we started walking. Trying to push back the worry in my mind. I had to tell him. I HAD to. And I was going to do it today, no matter what!
"Jeremyyyyy? Helloooooo? Anybody there?" Michael waved his hands I front of my face to snap me out of my daze
"Oh, um, I, uh, sorry, what did you say?" I asked, embarrassed
"I asked if you had any idea how I should ask out this guy that I like."
"Oh." Disappointment flooded through me. Of course he liked someone else! How dumb are you? You didn't seriously think that you had any kind of remote chance with the guy of your dreams. He probably likes Dustin or maybe Jake but he's taken with Rich. He still hadn't fully forgiven them for bullying us but they're just becoming friends. And he's only really acknowledged Jake's existance once. Besides, I saw him and Dustin standing too close to each other and doing a lot of "platonic" arm or shoulder touching.
"So, Jeremy, dos and don'ts of asking out a guy?" He asked again.
"Well, I've never asked anyone out so I dot really think I would be that much help... what are you most worried about?" I asked hesitantly
"Rejection. I've known this guy for such a long time and I'm so scared that he doesn't feel the same way and I'll loose a close friend because of a crush."
"Michael. Look at me. How could anyone reject you? You kind and brave and funny and smart and cute. B-but no, no homo or anything." I added, my face burning.
He laughed at little.
"My advice, which I wouldn't follow if I was you, is: just go for it, I guess. Just kiss him or something. Oh, I don't know! You should ask Rich this sort of thing, not me!" I sighed in defeat.
"That's... it?" I asked
"Yeah. That's it. And I did ask Rich. He told me that the best way to confess your love for someone is to tell them that they excite you sexually. I think that the guy I like would forget how to function if I told him that."

We carried on walking to his home. When we got there he rummaged in his bag for his key for a while before finding it and unlocking the door. His mom was out on a business trip or something so we had the house to ourselves. Just the thought of that made me blush a little.
"So, Jere, waddaya wanna do?" Michael inquired
"Dude, is that a serious question? Apocalypse of the Damned. Duh."
"Just checking. You can go set up the game while I sort out drinks and snacks. You know where everything is."
"Ya, ok" I walked down to the basement

Michael's pov

I felt so bad for tricking Jeremy like that. I know that he has the biggest crush on me and I made him think that I like someone else. Just the look of pure sadness on his face made my heart break. He probably thinks it's Jake or Dustin. Oh, I feel so bad, why couldn't I have just told him right there and then and he would have said yes. But, I should let him tell me in his own time. When he's ready because for all I know he could still feel bad about Christine and not feel ready for a relationship. Unless it was a sick joke that he was playing on me. Staring at me from across a classroom or constantly getting embarrassed or stuttering more than normal when I compliment him.

Boyf Riends and Treebros OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now