Boyf Riends- The City

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Yo I'm back. I could blame my absence on exams but it's been actual months. I have been busy tho and loads of cool stuff has happened to me.

I thought that instead of revising or getting a decent amount of sleep I would try to write something :)

Jeremy's pov:

For the record the v: still amuses me

I used to live in a village. Just me and my mum and my dad in a tiny cottage with a thatched roof and a crappy car. I liked it there because everyone knew everyone and everyone was kind. Like, you could say "Doris could you buy me a newspaper from the shop while you're there?" And she'd buy it, put it through you're letterbox and not even ask for the money back.

But, when I was 16 we moved to the city. My parents fought and I cried and then they split up. When we first got here I hated it so much. It was so loud and busy and my neighbours were just a sea of people with no faces.

However, I met Michael pretty soon after I got here- we worked the same hours at a café- and we clicked instantly. I mean, he was sweet and funny and reminded me of home and we got close really quickly.

I soon developed a small crush on him. I knee he liked me too though because he looked at me the same way that all the girls back home looked at the Boy Scouts but I just didn't want to say anything incase I was wrong.

But, I mean, I wasn't wrong because here he is. Laying, fast asleep, next to me.

I can't sleep though so I'm sitting on the edge of the bed and listening to the city. It's summer so the window's open and my bare shoulders are dusted with a heat rash and I can hear everything outside.

I can hear the soft thrumming of people working nights driving to work or taxis full of hoards of drunk girls after a night on the town. And I can hear the light whirring of the air conditioning supposedly ventilating our apartment but I don't think it actually is.

And, every time a vehicle goes past it's headlights show through our thin curtains.

Then, silence and, for just a moment, it's like only we exist. Just me and Michael, Michael and I. In the entire world and it's spectacular.

But, then, a group of overexcited women, probably on a hen night, totter past our building in their high heels that probably look like that needle that Uma Thurman got stabbed with when she accidentally snorted heroin in that movie. They cackle so loudly and the sound is so harsh that Michael snuffles and shuffles around before settling back down again.

I turn my head slightly to look at him and remember just how much I love him. He seems so peaceful with his eyes closed and his chest gently rising and falling, the gentle sound of his breathing just reaches my ears from where I am. I remember in the cold winter months when I could fall asleep listening to his heart beat with our limbs tangled and the duvet pulled right up to my chin.

Alot of time has passed since I got out of bed. I've decided that I'll at least pretend to sleep and hope that my body does the whole placebo thing and it makes me actually sleep. So, I spin my body round and stretch myself out as far as possible so my feet hang off the end of the bed and my head touches the headboard. Then, I relax and everything is ten million times more comfortable.

That night I fell asleep listening to the sounds of the city.

Fun fact: stretching yourself out and tensing then relaxing does actually make you seem more comfortable. Its how my parents taught me to get comfortable

There may be a load of spelling mistakes so I'll come back later and edit this :)

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